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CHAPTER 3: "Two Faced Good For Nothing Miss"

A couple of children around ten or so years old ran up from below the slope of the hill.

"A good-for-nothing really is a good for nothing. After making me faint, you made me lose this year's chance to participate in the magic initiation ceremony." The child who was insulting Yun Sheng earlier at the Temple of Magic pointed at Yun Sheng while being flushed with anger.

"So you're the little good-for-nothing Yun Sheng, that impostor magician's daughter?" The village head grandpa so kindly let you two settle down in Jiao Ye Village, and yet you dare bully my little brother? If you apologize by kneeling down and kowtowing before him, then pay him a silver coin, I'll spare you." The one who was speaking was an arrogant youngster, and behind him also stood a few youngsters of the same age.

Unlike the other children of Jiao Ye Village, the youngster who was speaking wore an earth-brown colored martialist outfit, indicating he was a martial apprentice of Zhen Ji Martial Academy.

The Temple of Magic and the Zhen Ji Martial Academy are some of Wu Ji Continent's most basic facilities. From every single country's village to the capital, there will always be a branch of the Temple of Magic, and in every city and town, there will always be a branch school of the Martial Academy. When the children of a country reach the age of three, no matter male or female, they will be eligible to sign up and participate in the Temple of Magic's magic initiation ceremony and the Martial Academy's constitution test.

For the people who pass the tests, they will be able leave the subsidies from the country, which is the equivalence of the modern times' bursaries, but neither of these two things have anything to do with Yun Sheng.

Since Yun Sheng is a good-for-nothing - someone who from birth is unable to practice martial skills, and someone who failed the magic initiation ceremony three times- this demonstrated that she was not only just a good-for-nothing but a double good-for-nothing miss. Because of this, she had received a quite amount of ridicule from the village's children.

Those who ridiculed her would always, for some unknown reason, faint or would start to feel uncomfortable. That's why no one dares to directly bully her.

The boy who provoked Yun Sheng at the Temple of Magic had a brother named Lei Hu. He's one of the few youngsters in the village who was sent to Zhen Ji Martial Academy, and is also the boss among the children of the village.

He left the village last year to go learn martial skills, and just returned a few days ago.

This morning, he found out that because of Yun Sheng his little brother had missed the opportunity to participate in this year's magic initiation ceremony, so he couldn't help flare up in rage, and brought along some close friends to find Yun Sheng.

The martial apprentices of the Martial Academy in Zhen Ji had learned martial techniques before, so for a little girl who has only practiced the most basic absorption breathing technique, and has never learned any form of defense, she could only suffer the losses and bear with it.

Under the tree, the outsider youngster's promped lips pursed up together. He lazily lifted his hand, and a few jade-green leaves fell onto it.

Yun Sheng's eyelids lowered. Her eyelashes covered up the vigorous spirit in her eyes. Her cherry lips opened and one word burst out from within: "Scram!"

While speaking, she concentrated her strength at her feet, and her petite body like a spring that was stretched tightly, suddenly launched towards Lei Hu. Her hand formed into a fist and a solid punch landed directly on Lei Hu's face.

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