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CHAPTER 4: "Astoundingly Handsome Blind Man"

Six years have passed since Yun Sheng had come across Liu Ming Lang's betrayal and her loved ones deaths. These events eventually had caused Yun Sheng to always be on guard and on high alert whenever she was near people.

As a result, Yunsheng always deliberately kept a distance from people except from that alcoholic, blood related man who had raised her.

"The previous time's money earned from selling the sophora flowers had already been handed out. Your family's sophora flower that was sent to the town's pharmacy was classified as second-class herbs, which in comparison with the other farmers of Jiao Ye Village is priced 10% higher. Here is 11 copper coins, handle it carefully. This money was originally supposed to be handed to your father. However, if this money was handed over to your father, I'm afraid that he might just waste it all on alcohol. Therefore, I'll leave it in your care." The village head was long accustomed Yun Sheng's reaction, a blank face with no reaction. The village head counted out 11 copper coins and handed it over to Yun Sheng

Jiao Ye village located in Zhou kingdom, possessing a spring-like season all year round, had a variety of crops grow lush and plentiful.

Jiao Ye Village's of soil and water quality is particularly suitable for planting herbs. In the village every family had opened up herb fields. Yun Sheng's home also has a few acres of herb fields too. Planting was a form used to refine the most basic magic medicine, a dose of raw materials, the sophora blossoms.

Whenever the herbs become ripe, the village will organize a unified procurement, transporting the sophora blossoms to the town in order to sell them to pharmacies.

Although the water and soil quality was the same as the rest of the villages, Yun Sheng family's herb field for some reason had always been able to produce herbs that were of higher quality and were considered as first class!

At times, there will be villagers that secretly go to Yun Sheng's herb field to spy on it, desiring to find the secret behind it. Yet, despite for staying there for several days, the villagers weren't able to find the special ingrediant that Yun Sheng's family used in order for the herbs to grow so plump and green.

"Village grandfather, what do you need to do in order to become a magician?" Yun Sheng asked after thinking it over several times.

"In order to become a magician, you must first become a magic apprentice. And in order to become a magic apprentice, you must be able to sense any of the four life elements while being under the meditation state: soil, water, wind, and fire. Soil has a shade of yellow, water blue, wind green, and fire is red". After mentioning this, the village chief suddenly remembered Yun Sheng's poor results during the magic initiation ceremony and couldn't help but sigh.

"Then, is there any methods to let a completely unaffiliated person with the magic elements to feel them?" Yun Sheng hurriedly asks. In her heart, she wasn't willing to give up becoming a magician just jet.

"This ...... is very difficult. But if you can find the moonlight grass, you just might be able to feel a little bit of the magical elements. However, moonlight grass is a very rare treasure. Only the cities' medical halls cultivates them. Legend says that the mountains behind our village once had wild moonlight grass many decades ago. But that is only a legend and no one had actually ever encountered moonlight grass in those mountains before", the village head recalls.

Yun Sheng mentally takes a note of the name 'moonlight grass'. This was her only opportunity left to change her body's state of being unable to sense any magical element.

Afterwards she examined the village head's face, and found his face shaded with an ugly yellow color. "Chief Grandpa, do you perhaps feel that these days, your abdomen hasn't been feeling good and that your body isn't in peak condition?"

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