Bungee Jumping

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The day started out normal like any other day. Alec had woken up late as usual and went to his college classes as usual and even met up with his friends. They had planned to go bungee jumping several weeks beforehand and Alec was nervous as hell, he hated heights, actually he HATED heights. It had been his childhood fear, thinking he was always going to plummet to his death. But his friends had managed to persuade him to go bungee jumping, he had no fucking idea how, but they did.

They had finally made it to the bungee station and Alec couldn't believe he was about to do this, he couldn't believe he actually agreed. Dread swirled around the pit of his stomach as the padding was attached to his left leg, then elastic bands. He was almost sure the damn instructor didn't tighten them enough. He went to say something but the bungee cord had already been attached. "I'm not jumping until he," Alec jabbed a finger into the instructor's chest "tightens the damn elastic bands." But the instructor simply insisted that he tightened them enough and he needed to jump.

Alec could hear his friends cheering behind him, "C'mon don't be a pussy! Jump already!" but Alec simply ignored them. He stepped closer to the edge, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. Panic suddenly flooded his mind as he felt hands on his back and suddenly he was falling. He could hear his friends screaming, in terror? Did the instructor push him? Alec didn't care, his mind was more focused on the fact that he was falling.

A scream tore from his throat as he was hurled towards the earth, when suddenly he heard a loud snap. Managing to turn his head to see what it was, his blue eyes widened with fear as he saw that the bungee cord had snapped. "The hell!?" he screamed, his voice full of panic. The wind whistled in his ears as his childhood fear came true. He was going to die. That was his last thought before he hit the concrete. His body painted the white concrete with red as his friends screamed above.

Everything went cold, dark. Alec thought, was this death? Was this he after life? Just endless cold and dark? But suddenly he seemed to resurface, light returning to his vision. Slowly, he stood. Alec felt no pain and his body looked completely fine. How could he survive a fall like that? He turned around to find his real body, splattered along the concrete. A sudden horror came over him, he was dead.

Alec began screaming, that was all that he could think to do. "This can't be!" his shrill voice echoed through the air. "I can't be dead! I was too young! Dammit, I shouldn't have let them drag me into this!" he screamed, covering his face with his hands as if to hide himself from reality.

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