Inner turbulence

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Author's note

Firstly, my heartfelt apology for delays in updating please bear with me. I have my reasons the busy schedule and the sombre content of the story gives one a writers block at times.  Thank you for bearing with all this.

The story has mature content such as strong use of language and physical violence please be warned. 

"Alright! The party is over so if you ladies wouldn't mind please excuse my wife." He grabbed her wrist and started walking towards the door leaving behind a set of people too stunned to even utter a word.

His eye lock somehow made Zoya walk behind him although she wanted to stop,

'Adi please stop for a second,' Anjana Hooda stood in front of them with pleading eyes.

Zoya tried to loosen his grip but he pulled her closer and quietly walked past Anjana but this time his mother followed him till outside the mansion,

'Granted that you will never understand your mother  but can't you give me a chance to know your wife?'

"Ma please keep some of your hospitality for Arjun's would be wife how can you spend all your love on every wife that I marry." 

For the first time Zoya did not feel like slapping Aditya at his biting sarcasm, she was still trying to stuck in that rift between the mother and son.

When the car stopped she slammed the door speedily heading towards the lift but Aditya caught up soon enough and now they were stuck in the lift all by themselves. 

"Was that drama necessary?" She saw him rolling his eyes at her question. How could he act so calm and composed after the unwanted stunt that he pulled a while ago. Frustrated with her own self Zoya entered the apartment while Adi followed her silently with his hand inside his pants pockets. The heavy jewellery gifted to her by Anjana was as annoying as her so called husband and she started to hastily open it while entering the bedroom.

"Why do you go on ordering me as if I am your property and why did you have to insult her in front of her friends?" She asked a little loudly while discarding the heavy jewelleries. 

'Seriously Zoya? You are asking this question, why did you have to play this saas bahu role in front of her friends. Was it needed?'

He threw his coat in anger and their eyes met in the mirror just as in the morning both pairs of eyes were fiery red. 

"I was being courteous how could I turn down her invitation especially since I am the so called daughter in law, if you keep acting all emotional then sooner or later everyone will come to know about our reality. Why does everything have to be so emotional for you?" He saw her gritting her teeth while throwing the bangles in frustration. She just felt him speeding towards her and in split seconds she was pinned to the nearest wall, his tall figure standing dangerously close to her own. 

'So Zoya why don't you extend your courtesy to the other members of the Hooda clan? How about I lock the door and we can play husband and wife till we are satiated.'

His voice was as soft as silk as his lips slowly brushed her ear, he was taken aback when she pushed him hard and a sharp slap stung his cheek. 

"Don't you ever do that again" she closed her eyes as he growled against her face slamming her to the nearby wall with his full body plastered against hers. His ragged breathing fanned the crown of her head it was only now when she had removed her heels that she realised for the first time how he could tower over her. Their height difference somehow made Aditya break into a smile and he was glad that Zoya could not see his face. She could see the movement of his Adam's apple and the veins bloating in his long tanned neck while he was busy relishing her scent a blend of Jasmine and was it cherry blossoms a part of him wanted to ask her. He slowly removed himself from the position of close proximity and dashed out of the room leaving her trembling as she sat on the floor for her knees were too weak. 


"Aap hosh mein toh hai Aditya Hooda? How did you even think that I will accept this insensible proposal of yours?" Zoya yelled on the top of her lungs, frustration creeping inside her to see his stoic facial expression. She could not take it anymore so disgusted she was about to leave the room when he finally spoke,

"Rajveer is the investigation officer for Yash and Pooja accident case Zoya, he has been granted permission by the Mussoorie police." He was still looking outside the window lightly leaning on his table.

'Couldn't your money and power convince the judicial system of this country that Yash Arora was a clinically depressed man who committed suicide killing Pooja along with him due to financial crunches.'  For the first time she could notice him shrugging his shoulders uncomfortably.

'You cannot use you muscle and money power everywhere Mr. Hooda, I am sorry I reject your proposal. Khuda Hafiz.' 

She was leaving for good this time when she heard his dangerously low tone,

"Miss Zoya Siddiqui how convenient of you to see the misuse of power and money by so called rich Hooda's. What about the you and your father Zoya? It's not that only Pooja cheated on me, your Yash was her partner didn't that anger your Abbu?"

'Don't you dare drag Abbu into all this' Her voice was cold as the chilling northern winds during winter.

'My parents neither have a grand name to love up to nor are they ashamed of my choices unlike yours Aditya, the Hooda's are desperately to prove that the affair never happened I'm glad at least you approve of it. Anyways hope we never cross paths again Mr. Hooda.'

"Siddiqui's have been practicing medicine right from colonial era isn't it Zoya?"

She froze at the moment,

'aap kahena Kya chahte hai' her deep and husky voice would give Aditya Hooda sleepless nights even though he would deny it.

"How come such presigious medical practicing dynasty never moved to the cities? It could never be because they are not good doctors no never" He poured a drink for himself,

"I would have offered but I already know you don't like the scent of alcohol" he remarked deviating a little.

"Please have a seat Zoya it's intriguing and rare to know a family with such a rich legacy and history so different from mine we are all power and money as some people put it no culture that's what you snobs say right?"

'I really don't have time for your nonsensical rantings Mr Hooda' Zoya was annoyed to a great extent.

"Yash was a an outsider in pharmaceutical business a young man with no links all on his own for a start up and on the other hand you have the Siddiqui's oldest practitioners of medicine with a direct contact with Medical Congress, where does your family's networking end Zoya Bibi?" 

'Are you trying to blackmail me?' 

"No Zoya just giving you hypothetical assumptions the ones that Rajveer's can use against us. I am telling you just because you Siddiqui's doesn't project yourself as wealthy doesn't imply you have no skeletons in your closet. This is not me speaking but Rajveer can frame anyone. Think about it Zoya this is the best bet we have you just accept the proposal leave the rest to me, I will crush that bastard to dust in no time.

In the morning Zoya shocked her parents and younger sister by accepting Aditya Hooda's marriage proposal.

Flashback ends...

She slowly undraped her saree with her messy hair on one side of her neck, a deep breath from behind stunned her for he slowly approached towards her while she clutched the little part of the saree to her chest while most part of it floated on the floor. He stood near and whispered in her ears,

"Close the door properly otherwise you will be responsible for murder for I cannot stand anyone seeing you like this apart from me." 

Before she could figure out what he meant he grabbed his coat from the bed and left the room, leaving her emotionally drained.

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