Chester, The Short Man On The Mountain!

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What an extravagant function it was! The huge art gallery of 'Paintopia' was oozing with none but his paintings. He was standing in the middle having the sole attention of unbelievable crowd. He opened his mouth to initiate his speech. People's breaths hitched, a sound came...

'Argh! Oomph!' No this wasn't how Chester was going to deliver his speech on the auspicious day. When he'll be rewarded with 'The Best Painter of Paintopia'. Confused wrinkles popped up and his eyelashes fluttered. Sluggishly, he opened his eyes seeing not the grand scene earlier. But, mere his small cottage all loaded with his paintings.

'Again!' Chester sighed. He would see this same dream everyday. And would fall from the bed too as today. His bed was short, his house was short, his wage was short and of course Chester himself was really short. But, that didn't stop him from seeing large dreams. Seeing himself as one of the legendary painters, Paintopia has blessed the world with.

The sunrays were all spread in his house shimmering his paintings artistically. The dust particles were playing randomly in beams. Watching, Chester beamed with glee. 'Size doesn't matter to be and make others joyous' he reminded himself staring at the tiny particles.

One day he too will capture such beauty of nature on the paper in front him. One day.... He promised himself. But for now, he must get up from the floor and head to 'Dafodills', an art studio where he was a helper of Mr. Luke Collins, one of the finest painters of 'Paintopia'.

Chester rose up and scurried to get ready 'cause as usual today too he was late, once again. With his short height, he would face difficulty in basic everyday tasks. Although, his house was set as per his convenience, the world wasn't.

The words Mr. Luke would yell at him for being clumsy, dysfunctional and what not would cringe him. Yet, he never took them on heart. Chester knew Mr. Luke was a short tempered man who was blessed with everything. Looks, intelligence, luck and immeasurable love from people for his paintings. He was perfect and that made him demand perfection from others.

Chester would never mind him finding flaws in his paintings. But, he used to get hurt hearing rash comments about his height, his appearance. He could never fathom why people would judge you on basis of things you don't have control upon.

What's your achievement whether you're born pretty, smart or rich? Perceptions should be made upon individual's achievements not blessings. Chester shook his head disapprovingly. He was getting late. His work and canvas was waiting for him.


"It's truly incredible, Priscilla!" Queen of fairyland praised Priscilla, the fairy of Painting wholeheartedly. She gave a gentle bow and a genuine smile in return.

"The progress in the art painting on the earth is admirable. You have been working really great." She added.

"That's heartening to know. But, I want to see who truly loves and cares for this art." Fairy Priscilla seemed thoughtful.

"Then see on your own." Queen fairy spoke with a glint in eyes.

"You mean..." Perplexity dripped through her words.

"Indeed, I mean it." Queen fairy smiled.


'Dafodills' Art studio had anytime been filled with hustle and bustle. Its location was in the heart of 'Paintopia'. It's owner, Mr. Luke, one of finest painter of 'Paintopia' was another reason of its popularity. People were crazy about his love for aesthetics and his artistic ways to bring beauty in works.

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