Meeting again

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A/n another chapter! Dedicated to _biteme_36.

Stefan arrives at the castle and walks in, with Bella.

"Hello Gianna, I'm here to see Aro." He says. She picks up the phone shakily.

"Aro, come! Quickly! It's Stefan with Bella!" She says. He appears in a flash.

"Bella? Is that really you?" He asks. He wonders if he's finally cracked.

"Yes. I'm Bella, and this is Stefan, my brother and best friend." She says happily.

"Bella. I'm your mate." He says. She smiles.

"Oh! Wonderful. Let's go!" She crows and grabs his hand in her other and walks into the throne room.

"Stefan? Who are they?" She asks innocently. He smiles fondly and Aro goes to his throne.

"This is the Volturi guard. They protect Aro, Marcus and Caius." He explains. She furrows her brow and then she faints in his arms. He strokes her forehead and Aro hisses.

"Idiot. You had her. The best woman in the world. You broke her. I had to use enchantments, powers and witchcraft to save her. She's remembering now, everything." He growls back, venom lacing his tone. Aro bows his head, ashamed. Suddenly Bella shuts up.

"Stefan. Why am I here? What am I doing? I'm so confused..." She mumbles. He helps her up. Her eyes lock on Aros. She hisses.

"You! Fucking bastard!" She screams, anger clouding her thoughts. Stefan restrains her as she struggles.

"Bella, he made a mistake. He's sorry." He whispers. She snorts.

"Yes, let's all say sorry and make it ok? No! He had sex with a random woman!" She yells. Stefan tightens his muscles. He would very happily rip Aro apart but eventually it'd kill her. Again.

"Give him a chance. At least stay here. With the Volturi. They all love you." Stefan urges. She frowns.

"Only if you stay, because I'm not going anywhere without you." She says. He sighs.

"Ok. Alec or Jane will show you to your room. I must talk with the kings." He says. She nods and Alec and Jane escort her out.

"So. Aro, the two timer, Caius, the bastard, Marcus, the zombie. How are you?" Stefan asks.

Aro Volturi and Bella love story sequel (COMPLETED!!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now