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Yuuri was peacefully sleeping, cuddled up to his blankets, dreaming about his one true love.
"Mmmm.....pork cutlet....."

"Yuuri?" His best friend called out to his unconscious state. "Yuuriiiii? YUURI!"

Yuuri flung out of bed, posing with a karate chop, being met with his best friend Phichit laughing his ass off, falling to the ground.

Yuuri groaned out of annoyance while his best friend clutched his sheets, trying to stand up, wiping tears out of his eyes.

"WHAT?!" Yuuri screamed.

"Wake up" Phichit stated calmy.

Yuuri looked at his best friend for 30 seconds, only blinking before falling back onto his bed before being dragged right out again.

"NOOOOO" Yuuri cried. He REALLY didn't want to go out again after the last time he went and-

"It cant be as bad as last time when you stripped and danced on that pole!"

Yuuri glared at Phichit for being able to read his mind.

The two had been best friends for 15 years as their parents had been friends but Phichit likes to tell people that they'd been friends since birth. To phichit, Yuuri was an open book, no matter how reserved he seemed to other people. That was the very reason he didn't want to go out.

Yuuri had a very select friend group of people that he would honestly trust with his life. He liked the fact that he could tell all his friends his secrets with confidence. To everyone else, Yuuri was a quiet loner but to his friends he was a funny, cute, nice guy.

Yuuri smiled at the thought of his friends. This brief moment was abruptly interrupted by a flying shirt, hitting him directly in the face.

"Get dressed. Everyone's gonna be there tonight!"

'Everyone' referring to Chris, Seung Gil, Mickey and Otabek. Mickey's sister Sara was also friends with them all but, knowing Mickey, there was no way that he would let her go to any parties where living, breathing teenage boys will be.

Looking down at the clothes thrown at him, some black ripped skinny jean and a tight fitting white top.

'Of course Phichit would pick out something like this' Yuuri thought, rolling his eyes.

Without complaints, knowing how stubborn his best friend was he stripped right there and then while Phichit scrolled through his phone. They'd been friends since they were 3. Its not like its nothing they've seen before.

After finishing getting dressed, Phichit letting out an appreciative whistle.

"There's no way the boys will be able to resist you tonight!"

Yuuri blushed.

There was no need for Yuuri to come out to Phichit, he's known since they were 12. Phichit just always knew and his suspicions were confirmed when Yuuri introduced him to his first boyfriend, a guy that was now never mentioned and silently hated throughout his friend group.

Yuuri took one glance in the mirror at himself.

'Not too bad' he thought.

Suddenly, Phichit grabbed him with a dollop of gel in his hand. He swung Yuuri round and pushed his hair back out of his eyes and handed Yuuri his contacts. He was committed to making Yuuri look HOT.

With some finishing touches, Yuuri checked himself one last time in the mirror, appreciating Phichit's work, and they left the house, giggling, suddenly filled with excitement, ready to go dance with his friends.

"Promise me youll control my drinks tonight?" Yuuri asked Phichit before getting in the car.

"Yeah, yeah!" Phichit groaned, wanting to go see his crush and the rest of his friends.

Yuuri rolled his eyes and hopped into the car.

Little did he know, that night would change his whole life....

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