Chapter 2

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I walked fast and followed him through the crowd. He looked back as if he was suspecting to find someone following him but then he still continued walking. As he was taking a sip of his coffee, a woman screamed and everyone suddenly panicked.

I followed where he was looking at and I saw how he was getting ready to face the robber. My eyes suddenly widened and I started to panic. I was contemplating whether to do something or not, because he will die anyway. However, I suddenly saw his blue eyes and it reminded me of Christopher.

As if I was rewatching a film, the scenes happened exactly the same as my dream. However, before the robber could stab him, I bolted forward. I hugged him and let the blade sink into my back instead. The police sirens started to appear just how it was in my dream and the robber pulled the knife from my back and ran.

I didn't know why but I didn't felt any pain. All I could think of was I saved a person and I didn't know how. I was so shocked that I couldn't hear anything. All I see was him trying to keep me awake and shouting for help.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "We are calling 911 now, why did you get into the fight?"

"I don't know, but I saved you." I croaked. "You are alive, but how?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Are you really alive?" I asked. I was still unsure whether I saved him or not. He must be dead, I saw it in my dream.

"Yes, I am. I do not what you are talking about but you need to stay with me. You are losing a lot of blood." He said, then everything was in slow motion. I hear the sirens, people screaming to move, and then silence. My vision dimmed and everything went black.


As I flutter my eyes open, I saw my mom holding my hand with an IV drop attached to it. I tried to speak but my mouth was too dry.

My mom felt my movement and suddenly jolted upward.

"Veronica!" She said, almost as if she was calling me for the last time. "I thought you were gonna die. The doctors said you lost too much blood. Why did you do that?"

"I-." I tried to speak but my throat was dry.

"I'm sorry, here. Have some water."My  mom said as she took a glass of water from the table. I drank it and it felt refreshing.

"Thank you mom." I said.

"Now, tell me why you did it. I was so scared sweetie."

"I don't know mom, I just felt the urge to do it. Remember, how I stopped trying to help because they ended up dying anyway. This time, he didn't! And I don't know why. This is the first time mom." I said. "He is alive, isn't he?"

"What are you talking about?" Mom said, still confused.

"The man, mom. The man I saved, I took the blade and he is alive. He didn't get hurt." I insistently said.

"You mean, the young man who brought you here?" She asked.

"Yes! I saw him in my dream and I saved him. I did, didn't I?" I asked, trying to make sure that he was indeed alive.

"Yes sweetie, he is alive. He was the one who brought you here and he told me about what you did." My mother said.

"I can't believed I saved him." As these words escaped my lips, the man in the white hoodie opened the door.

He was tall and he has a muscular build. His blonde hair was slicked back thus showing his strong blue eyes. He reminded me of Chtistopher before but he seemed to be quite different now. He seemed more athletic and leaner than Christopher.In his hands were a beautiful boquet of flowers. It was tulip, my favourite flower. I used to paint those flowers all the time.

"Good morning, Mrs. Evans, Veronica." He greeted, and my name rolled off his tongue quite nicely.

"Good morning Dylan." My mom said.

"I believe I haven't introduced myself to you yet, Veronica." He said and I just nodded. I was quite dazzled by his presence and this made my throat dry even more.

"My name is Dylan, Dylan Hayes." He said and reached out his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Veronica Evans. You might have already known it but I still told you." I murmured as I shook his hand.

My mom suddenly coughed and said "Well, my throat is kinda itchy and I need a drink. How about you Dylan? Do you need water or something?"

"I am good Mrs. Evans." Dylan said and smiled.

"Ok then, I will just go down to the cafe. I will be back in a minute dear." She said as she squeezed my hand and left.

"I am sorry for disturbing you, I thought that you already woke up yesterday." Dylan said.

"No, it is fine. I just feel a little pain from my stitches but that's all. Anyways, how long has it been since the accident?" I asked.

"More than 24 hours has already passed by." He said and I just nodded. Then a long awkward silence happened. It was so awkward that I just wanted to hide inside the closet.

"So anyway, I came here to check on you and ask why you did it." He said.

"Oh, that." I whispered. "Uhmm."

I did not know if I should tell him or not. The dreams I was experiencing were too complicated to explain, and there is a high chance he will think of me as if I am a crazy person. 

"It was nothing, I just saw him pull the knife off and I felt the urge to save you. It doesn't make sense at all but I just thought that it was the best thing to do at that time" I said.

His eyes squinted as if he was trying to read and analyse me. "Ok, I kind of understand where you are coming from but I just want you to remember that you should not do that again. I am eternally thankful because you saved my life. However, you shouldn't have risked your life like that."

I just nodded and stared back at him.

"I'm sorry if it came out in a rude way, I'm just worried you might do this kind of thing again and as the person who owe their life to you, I dont want to see you again in a hospital bed." He said apologetically.

"Yes, I get where you are coming from.I also didn't know why I did it." I said, almost a whisper.

"You look like you need a long rest so I think I should get going." He said.

"Uhm, no, I am fine. You can stay."

"No, it is okay. You shouldn't force yourself. I need to go somewhere anyways. By the way, this is my number." He said as he handed me a piece of paper with his name and number written on it.

"Call me anytime you need me." He said.

"Thank you, Dylan." I said

"Goodbye, Veronica."

"Goodbye." I whispered as he headed out the door.

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