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1- current lock screen
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Pretty epic right?
2- current home screen
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This lock screen has been the same since like early 2017
3- current phone ringtone I haven't changed it since October so it should still be the Halloween theme, I promise I'm gonna change it to Mariah Carey soon
4- battery percent rn 15%
5- current anime Anime's for nerds
6- Device used for Wattpad I always use my phone
7- thing you regret almost everything in 6th grade and just belong a bitch in general, and trying to flex the price of my water bottle on people
8- zodiac sign I'm cancer which means I get a sideways 69 ♋️
9- object obsession What the fuck does this mean but I do have a problem with buying books and also I am buying too much stuff in the mission to turn my room into an aesthetic palace
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10- fav quote I don't really have one but heres one I kinda like "This ain't it" - Chief
Life Update So my school didn't get back until November 1st because we had mold from the hurricane. So that mean we would all have to take a big leap on our studies to catch up, not a big difference in most of my classes, my chorus and band's formal concerts were canceled but that's pretty much it. However I am in math 1 which if you didn't know is not one grade level, but two grade levels of math taught in one year, so we were already rushing all this education in that class, now my teacher's moving like a fuckin hurricane cutting out certain topics the are my grade level in order to fit the ones from the one above mine.
Also my local library's roof tiling in their multi purpose room is fricked.
I might also get some Shane Dawson March for Christmas too
I brought this lil Squidward doll from sonic to school and my friends ripped his head almost off. I superglued him twice after the ripped the super glue off the first time. Then they ripped his entire head off and proceeded to rip all his body parts. This caused his Ligma, which he previously caught two weeks ago, to finally enter its stage three form which caused him to pass away, the picture from his funeral can be found up top. May he Rest In Peace