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"I'm always alone" he said slowly while stare at the sky.

"Well, you look lonely all the time. We can be friends if you want" I said. I don't know what he feels about me . Maybe he thinks I'm just an aquaintance or at least friend.

He just keep quiet and stare at the sky. It is a yes or no? Or he didn't hear me at all.

"Do whatever you want" He said. So it's a yes?

I look at his face and smile. For some reasons, I feel relieve and I feel happy.

"Training tomorrow?" I ask him again. Avoid the awkwardness that fill the atmosphere.

"Yes, 8pm sharp" he said. I nod.

It's about 30 minutes we sit together and I hear music not far away. It must be from the event.

"Let's get in I think those boring speech is over" I said and stand up. He nod and we walk together to the hotel.

As we enter, the people is dancing to the music. I search for Kagura and Hayabusa. They wave their hands and I go there.

Hanzo suddenly disappear in the crowd. Maybe he want to meet someone?

"Where have you been" Ask Hayabusa.

"At the park, well I'm bored so I get out from this hotel"

"Let's eat!" say Kagura and we take our food. As we find the place, we sit together.

"I want to telk you guys something" I said to them.

"what is it?" ask Kagura.

"I met Hanzo at the park" I said and continue eating.

"wait, what he's doing here?" Haya ask.

"I don't know. He won't tell me a thing why he's here" I said.

We finish our food and go home. Before I get out of the car I give the accessories to Kagura and thanked to her.

Sometimes, she just too good to me. I don't know how can I return all of this.


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