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"How can he do this the whole house. My room...my pills"

Robyn held me as we all sat in the living room at jahseh house he let me and robyn stay as the police came to check what's missing.

"We have to do something break into house and see how he likes it."

"Yeah that going to be a little har he has half of the city  riding his dick he the richest  here how we gonna do that without being caught."

"We don't get caught we want revenge we have to come back hard we need dirt." Chris said pulling out his phone

"What you doing chris?"

"Im planning a party sean will defiently come so friday night we break in his house and find anything to destroy him."

"I like the way you think chris ight listen robs me and Stokely will fix ya house up we good with our hands."

"Yeah don't worry about it." I got up and hugged them what will i do without my brothers.


After leaving jahseh house i went to see my beautiful princess

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After leaving jahseh house i went to see my beautiful princess.

"Roro daddy is ho- i stopped dead in my tracts when i saw sean holding her.

"Sean put her down"

"What i can't come say hi to my god daughter." He smiled and put her on the couch as she slept.

"Why sean?"

"Why what chris?"

"Don't act fucking stupid why you break in to rob and kehlani house last night."

"What i ain't do that"

"Oh and im supposed to believe thay after all the shit you put is thorough."

"What why would i do something low like that chris you know me better"

"Do i.. Brother you ain't been nothing but a jerk to me and anyone else i hanged out with either is a fag or werid to you you make it hard to trust you"

"Chris i know i said some hateful shit but.....nah Fuck it i don't have to tell you shit see you Thursday."

He walked passed me out the door. What ever i tired to be nice but im done.

"Mama?" I walk in her room and she was wacthing tv

"Hey baby what's good?"

"Can you wacth roro Friday I'm throwing a party."

"Boy i wacth her everyday but why friday?"

"Well homecoming is coming next week so its a pre-party you know"

"Mnh ok boy I'll stay with her but you be careful partying and wacth out for kehlani and robyn."

"Yeah i will mama thank you." I walk out her room carrying roro with me i put her down and walk over to my studio next door. I just need to paint to clear my mind


"Ok group photos next"

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"Ok group photos next"

"Ok guys lets go" kehlani said

Rakim, Jacque, micheal and Daniel stood in the back. Hayley, jahseh, Stokely and kodak was in the middle
And last was kehlani, robyn, drake and aminé.

We all got in our spots waiting for the guy to click i can see sean stearing us down but i didn't care.

"Say chesse"

"Chesssss" we said and the camera flash

"Ok one more"

"Silly faces" robyn said and we posed taking one more.

"I'll give y'all last one cause you my last group"

I see sean looking up. I couldn't see where and i didn't understand why he saw me and the biggest grin spread on his face. He walked off

"Say chesse"

Ches- was all i heard before i felt something come down on us. Or cream outfit where now blood red. Everyone laughed.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE" jah said jumping off the stage with stoke and Jared following.

"Nah we got to do this shit tonight he went to far"

"Robyn im ready to end this fucker" she looked at me and nodded

"Me too baby me too"

"Me too baby me too"

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I ran all over the school looking for sean but he was hiding like a bitch


"Nigga scared to get his ass beat"


i run down the hall and see on of his friend i yelled at him but he ran we chased him down until we made it to the field coach stoo us from going any closer.

"Coach were sean?"

"Why you care were my son at"

"Cause your son is the reason my clothes is ruin he also the reason my frineds house was trashed."

He looked at me up and down as if he was tryinh to sqare up.

"SEAN" he yelled and the boy came out standing by his dad.

"Where you was last night"

"At home studying" he grin at me

"See my son had-



"I can't believe this nigga so pussy he has his dad protecting whatever we gonna get his ass back.

"Come on stoke we got to get ready for chris party anyway" we walked off executed i just hope chris now what we doing.

Girlfriend: Freshman yearWhere stories live. Discover now