{1}No way....

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After the Rainbow arc in the manga! They are basically Growing as a normal baby now!I will come back an edit this later!Hope u enjoy this is done already... Just have to post them
Italian spoken- hey!
Angry- hey!
Thoughts- 'hey'
Renato for Baby Reborn or Tsunas time
Reborn for past before he was curse

Tsuna POV
Ah! Why does school have to finish? Now Reb-I mean Renato gonna Mess with me and force me to go to Itatly!I Sigh and whisper to myself,Well at least he survived instead of dieing.If u didn't know I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi. Im suppose to Be Vongola 10th and Reborn made me call him Renato for an unknown reason to me but I don't mind.Im also 21 right now and I'm surprise Renato hasn't Yell at me and he keeps his distance.He is growing back to normal size but it will take time.Im waiting and waiting on him since I miss him and love him...

"Get back here cow!"I hear screams from behind as I walk.

'Dont tell me...'

"Never baka-Dera!"Another voice comes.

'It is....'I turn around to see Hayato and Lambo coming towards me.

I sigh and see Lambo with his bazooka in his hand.'That bad...'

"Give me that!I have to give it to Reborn since it messed with!"
"Haha!Like I'll believe u!"They are arguing while coming closer.

"STOP!" I tell making them Fall and trip.And there goes the Bazooka.

I sigh and got hit by the bazooka.Welp...It probably move me back in time or The future....Hopefully no were else...

Hayato POV
"U Idiot cow! U hit Tenth!"I yell at him.

"Im sorry!"Lambo response.

'How are we gonna explain this to Reborn?'I think looking at the bazooka with no one there.

"Hayato,what happen?"I jump with Lambo.

"Oh..Reborn!?Well Lambo hit Tsuna with it when He yelled at us to stop..."I gulp nowing Reborn is mad.

"Grab it and were going to see Them!" He starts walking away and I grab the Bazooka and run after him.
'Please be safe Tenth...'

Tsuna POV
'Ugh! My head!'I think holding my head in pain.

Then I smell blood and look up to see I'm surrounded by body's that are dead.

I get up and think,'Who did all of this and were am i?This doesn't look like anywhere I been...'

"Who are u?" A nice deep voice comes in.I turn around to see a man with similar clothes and hat.He also had A li-i mean Chameleon.

"R-reborn?" I whisper making him aim Leon at me

Who are u?, I gulp,How did u get here?U weren't here a minute ago he says in the other language.

"Ah i um...Dont know actually..."

He Raises an eyebrow at me,"What do u mean? "

His voice got softer speaking Japanese which I smile a little at.

"Well I was at my home then I was here.I don't really understand why though..."

He let's Leon revert back and climb on his hat,"Then ur coming with me since u need to explain everything detail by detail!"He grabs my hand and pulls me into his car and drives off.

I click my tongue trying to figure out what to tell him.he looks at me from the corner of his eye an I look at him seeing he was staring at me.Our eyes meet and I blush slightly looking away.He chuckles at my reaction.

'Its so pure...I wish he did that in my time,' I sigh in thought.Leon then licks my cheek like he's trying to cheer me up and not let me worry.I smile softly and pet his head gaining Reborn attention.

"How are u liked by him already?"He speaks while driving.

"I-i don't know...Maybe it's just because I'm use to 'animals' ig..."I respond.
'Human Animals that is...'I say in my mind.

"I see..."He pulls up to a house.

He parks at the house and we get out. He unlocks the door and we go in. Leon was still with me on my hair relaxing.We sit down in the living room and he stares at me so I can speak.

"So lets start if with my name and before I appeared here.My name Is Tsunayoshi but u can call Tsuna,I'm 21 years old.I was walking around when Two of my...Friends came running after each other yelling give him his thing and the other saying no. The Item hit me and I was were u found me."

He hums and places a drink in front of me."So what was the item?"

I froze but unfroze quickly to drink the espresso he made."Mhm~It taste like him..."I put it down fast at what I just thought blushing.

He looks at me curiously.
"Ur espresso is good,"I say ignoring what he read.

"So who are u saying my espresso taste like?"

"Eep!It's just someone I'm close to... And the item....was a time travel bazooka that was messed with..."I grab the cup again bringing it to my mouth in delight.

I put it down and lick my lips with a smile,"U want to ask something right"?I say and he looks at me.

"Yes...Ur involved right?"I look at him

"Yes...In my time line that is."

"Time line?"
"Ah"!I face palm,"Didnt mean to say that but to clear it up I'm from the future."

He narrows his eyes,"U better not lie."

"Im not!U just have to believe me! I'll go back sooner or later.Can u just let me stay here until I leave? I'll even help with ur jobs u have and make food."

"Fine...But if someone comes here hid k?"I nod and hugged him with a smile, "Thank You!"

"Why are u hugging me?"

"Ah! Sorry!"I back away blushing and grab the cup.I walk to the kitchen and clean the cup and go back to him.

"I didn't mean to do that,I forgot....Nevermind" I look down and smile sadly.

He then hugs me out of no were, surprising me,"R-reborn!?"

"Ur sad cuz I remind u of someone right?" I nod and he let's go wipping my tears."U will be able to get to see them again don't worry k?"

I smile again,"Thank u!Thank u so much..."I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Reborn POV
"Did he just fall asleep?"I sigh and look at him.

'Who do I remind him of that he's so sad about?And why he's so comfortable around me?'I sigh at my thoughts and pick him up bridal style and gi to my room.

I put him on my bed and jumps of my Fedora and licks his cheek.

'That is also confusing...'

I put my hat on the side table and lay down next to him falling a sleep holding him....

To be continued....

(Sorry for mistakes)

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