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"I should kill you!"

A brown-furred pup presses his small paw to the throat of the gray and brown patterned one underneath him as he mock-snarls.

Chilling wind bustles strongly against the prominent forms in the white snow, but despite the strength of it, neither are pushed back.

The pup beneath him squirms and lets out a little squeal, drama dripping from every noise.

"Oh no, do not, powerful Alpha! Please, I beg of you!"

The splotchy pup lets out a long, drawn out howl.

At this call, two more whelps leap out, breaking the crest of the nearest snowbank. They speed as far as they can, their oversized paws breaking into the powdered snow.

As they begin to gain ground, the brown wolf pup glances up, spotting the "reinforcements." He perks his ears and narrows his eyes, identifying them quite easily despite the flurry-filled gusts.

"More invaders! I must defeat them!" He glances down and breaks character, just for a moment. He cocks his head and sticks the edge of his tongue out in a playful, silly manner before delving back into the game. The other two pups were gaining.

He bares his teeth and gently nips at the skin of the wolf below him. Of course, he does not intend any harm.

The pinned whelp angles her head after, a little twinkle in her eyes, and lets her tongue slump from her mouth as she plays dead.

The closest pup, with a similar gray and brown splotched pelt as the slain one, lets out a low snarl and races forward even faster at the sight of his "dead" littermate. Not more than a few seconds later, he leaps off of the snow-packed ground and smashes into the all-brown pup hovering above the mock-slain female.Thankfully, they clear the pretend-slain pup without difficulty.

"Uff!" Both pups exhale, the breath knocked out of them. It only swirls around them for a moment in a cloud of steam before vanishing into the freezing cold. They tussle around before the last pup arrives. As he moves, he is nearly invisible; his bright white fur melds with the ground. He is smaller than the rest, but nevertheless, jumps right in between the two. His impact was precise, and the brown pup goes tumbling backwards, landing on his rear a few feet away.

The white pup lowers down, and the splotched wolf follows suit. They are on either side of the "Alpha", and they begin to stalk forward together. The brown pup watches as he gets up, preparing to come out victorious in this game, despite beign outnumbered. He looks up, meeting the eyes of the gray and brown patterned pup, and winks.

The little white pup struggles to hold back a humorous reaction, but in the end, it escapes his small jaws anyways. The splotched pup growls, and begins to lower himself into a pouncing position.

The little white wolf suddenly freezes beside his buddy, who is all prepared and focused on leaping the foot-long distance to engage in a mock-war with the bulky brown one. The amuesment and playfullness that had been in the brown pup's eyes was gone the instant he registed the same thing the white pup did; glimmering yellow eyes about 50 feet away and closing, glinting in what little light could break through the thick snow clouds, rocking back and forth with an unnerving predatorial gait as the dull yellow-white shag of his pelt began to come into view.

The gray and brown pup stumbles backwards, and kicks a paw into its motionless sibling, breaking her ruse.

All of the pups' oversized ears flatten in fear.

The young brown wolf snarls, exposing small, but sharp fangs.

The massive white wolf practically roars back as the two splotchy furred pups stand motionless.

Spittle dangles from its large jaws, it's ribs stick out from underneath its mangy fur, stretching it's pelt like canvas.

It's yellow-orange eyes glow with starved insanity.

The small white pup shoots a look at the brown one, and suddenly sprints off, into the trees over the snowbank that the two pups had cleared together earlier.

The "Alpha" pup watches him go and growls in disdain. He watches as his friend vanishes into the snow, fur blending within a few moments. 

He turns back to the intruder that is almost three times his size.

Behind him, the littermates take offensive stances and snarl in unison.

They can take one wolf on, right?

The white wolf surges forward, leaping for the young brown pup, right as three more starved-looking wolves surge out of the trees towards them.

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