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Trying to find my way to this house was shit. I couldnt find Apple Street, let alone St. Paul. So she asked the old man behind the news paper where it was.

" Hello sir, where St. Paul and Apple Street?" - Mila.

"Its down Paul Ave and then take a right then a left then go straight. My cousin lives there." The man said. I looked at his face and he looked around my age, but a little older. He had green eyes and straight black hair. Eh he wasnt that cute but okay. "Thank you." I say as i walk away. I follow the directions until i get to my house.

The house itself is cute, its a little ranch style house. Its a white house with black shutters and a black door. It looks like 1 floor but theres a grage and everything youd need. I take put tyhe keys Roger gave me and go in to the house, its already furnished but i go straight to the kitchen and grab something to eat. Ugh no food, i guess ill just  go shopping sometime, with that i leave and look around the house. I open a blue door, that seems to be the bathroom. Hmm humongous asss bathroom for sure. I go back in to the hall way and down the hall theres a few rooms but theres one door right in the middle that catches my eye. I go to open it but it wont budge. I push it open then kick the door and it opens. I walk in to the room and see a car, i dont know the name but dude it looks sickkk. Its gray with black tints and i look beyond it and i see a tarp. Hmm ? I look at it and grab the tarp and throw it off. ITS MY BABYYY. When i was in Miami, i did street racing and got a motorcycle, I named her Betty. And boy is she a babe. Shes my baby. I literly jump up and down and hug my Betty, Then i feel a cold breeze on my legs and realize im still in my old look. I need a fix that. I kiss betty goodbye, and go back inside the house and try to find my bed room. It was the 4th door, and i go inside and see a blank room with covers and all. I go to the closet and see if i have any clothes. YESSSSSS! Roger has  supplied me with clothing :). Theres skinny jeans and skirts and shoes and well everything. I  cahnge in to some skinny jeans and some brown boots and a brown cami, its kinda warm in london , i mean it is summer. But it is a little cold so i through on a black jumper and go to Betty and ride to a store to get my 'change'.

The ride didnt take to long, there was a store down the street lets hope i remember my way back. I find a store and go and buy hair dye, and head homeee.

Time feeer duuuh vhange :)

I part my hair, do my rooms and stuff and then wait an hour, hmm what to dooo. I hop on the couch and put on netflix, and Scooby doo comes on. Ill wtach it. Adter 3 episodes, i rinse my hair out, towel dry it. I look in the mirror,  take out my contacts so now my eyes are blue. I take pff the sleeves that hide my tattoos and take them off my neck, and legs, then look in the mirror again.

Im now Mila Stevens.

Authors note, next part.

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