FF Design and Name change

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I wanted to change her design even only a bit since her colors matched too much of Flower's

I also wanted to give her an original name

Zilpah/Flower Luminary

Flower Luminary is only a title code given to her by a group

The bracelet lets her travel through different universes

Also, remember the backstory story? I'm deleting that since I'm changing it and I'm only summarizing it here:

Zilpah was part of a group named "Seeds". She got the title "Flower Luminary" because oddly she didn't need the sun that much. She thought it was just a group to shelter random objects, but soon she learned the leader agreed to an anonymous letter, stating:

"It is by demand, you will murder the members of your group yourself or I will kill them, including you, myself. You have two months. However, if you manage to rip off all the other alternate universes, then you will achieve the dreams. Use the accessory stuck to this letter to travel. Return this letter by a month if you accept."

Examining the letter, Zilpah realized the "accessory" was gone. Remembering the bracelet that the leader said "not to touch", she snuck to the Leader's office and successfully escaped with the bracelet, but left the other members because of her "slight" selfishness back then. Now she only travels to other universes if needed.

yeah nowadays I suck at backstories

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