Chapter 18 A Long Awaited Guest

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The next morning, Kagome gets up and heads downstairs to breakfast. She could already smell bacon and eggs cooking, she smiled at the thought of Kreacher happily cooking breakfast for his masters. When she entered the kitchen, she found Remus already sitting at the breakfast bar sipping his cup of tea and reading a book. He looks up from his book and smiles at Kagome, causing her to blush and smile back.

"Good morning, Remus."

"Good morning, Kagome, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did, thank you, Remus, did you?"

"Yes, thank you."

Kreacher comes over and sets a plate of food in front of Remus and Kagome, greeting Kagome in the process. She smiles at him and pats him on the head fondly. After a few short minutes the others come in for breakfast and Kreacher serves them as well.

As they are eating, Remus can't help but wonder who had sent the letter to Kagome. Every time he thought of the letter, Moony would growl and whine in his head in jealousy and insecurity. Moony knew that whoever the male was he was no match for him if that male wanted his mate. Moony kept insisting that Remus find out who the male is that was writing his mate. The problem was, it was none of Remus' business who was writing Kagome. She was nothing to him other than his best friend's daughter. He couldn't very well demand an explanation from her, then she would wonder how he knew it was a male who had written her in the first place.

So the only thing that Remus could do is to casually bring it up in conversation, thank Merlin for people like Ron Weasley. When everyone had come down for breakfast the first thing out of Ron's mouth was…

"So, Kagome, who sent you the letter?"

Kagome had brought the forkful of eggs halfway up to her mouth and stopped at Ron's question. She stared at him in complete disbelief. Hermione turned and whacked him on the arm.

"I really don't think that's any of your business, Ronald."

"What, just trying to make conversation." He says with a mouthful of sausage.

"Not by asking someone about a personal letter." Hermione admonishes.

"That's alright, Hermione, it wasn't anything too personal, it was just from the Japanese Minister of Magic."

"Why would the Minister be writing to you?" Ron asks in a snarky tone.

Kagome gave him a weird look, then looked at Remus, then back at Ron. "Well if you must know, He's my godfather and he was just concerned because I won't be returning to Mahoutokoro for my final year."

At this point, Sirius had come into the kitchen, and had heard the tail end of the conversation, "Who's your godfather, Kagome?"

"The Japanese Minister of Magic," Hermione answered before Kagome could say anything.

"Lord Sesshomaru is your godfather, how, when, why?!"

"Well, after my little incident earlier this summer, Lord Sesshomaru showed up at my parent's house and insisted that I become his ward. That I would be safer under his care. My mother told him that wasn't possible since my biological father was still alive. But he was very adamant that I become his ward, so my mother reached an agreement with him. She told him that he could become my godfather instead since my biological mother never gave that privilege to anyone. He begrudgingly agreed."

"Are you serious?" Fred asked.

"No, he is," Kagome said pointing at her father, who chuckles.

"Walked right into that one," George tells his twin.

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