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A/N: You gotta love how frequently I update. It's good for cliffhangers.

Izuku Midoriya PoV

I can hear them having sex and it physically hurts. Kirishima is moaning softly and so is Bakugou. In fact Bakugou sounds a lot happier than when he's fucking me.

"Bakugou harder please," I can hear Kirishima gasp.

"But it feels so good to tease you though my love," he says flirtily.

"Not for me it isn't," Kirishima gasps out before moaning again.

Every moan that they elicit from each other physically hurts. My chest is tightening and I feel as though I'm being stabbed in the heart. It hurts so much. I don't think I can bear it.

I have unconsciously made my way to the bathroom right next to the bedroom. That's why I can hear them both orgasming. That is why I'm able to hear what Kacchan says next.

"I love you Eiji," he says.

And, even though I know he doesn't love me, it still hurts. I feel like my chest is on fire. I want a release. I want to scream and cry. But, I can't. Because Kirishima is here. And because it would make Kacchan mad. And, I don't want Kacchan to be mad at me because then he might leave me.

So I stuff my fist in my mouth and sob silently unable to do anything as I hear Kirishima and Kacchan start round two. I listen to them have sex for who knows how long before Kirishima finally leaves and Kacchan walks in to take a shower. He takes one look at me, and immediately begins to smile sadistically. This was the Kacchan I knew.

"How much did you hear nerd?" he asks menacingly.

"All of it, I think," I whisper sadly.

"Good. You know what I could use right now?" he asks, slightly sweeter than before.

"What would you like Kacchan?" I ask softly.

"I'd like to watch you squirm as I hit you. And then, I want to fuck you so hard you can't stand," he says, his voice animalistic.

"Then what's stopping you?" I ask softly.

"Not you," he says before lunging at me.

He pushes me down and backhands me.

"I bet you liked what you heard earlier, you pervert," he says while punching me in the gut.

"You should take some notes from Kirishima. Then our sex might actually be able to satisfy me the first time," he screeches, kneeing me in the balls.

"I will do whatever you want. Just promise me that you will love me if I do it," I gasp out as he continues hitting me. I can feel bruises beginning to form at this point.

"As if I would ever love someone as useless as you Deku," he says nastily.

He keeps hitting me before his hands move to his zipper. He yanks his pants and boxers down.

"The best you can ever hope to do is satisfy me, if only briefly," he whispers before pulling down my pants and boxers. And then, he fucked me until I couldn't stand.

Shouto Todoroki PoV

Something seemed off about Midoriya today. He seemed more exhausted than usual and a lot sadder as well. Did something happen? I know he lives alone and he never talks about his family or any friends outside of the ones he has at school, save Bakugou.

In fact, he never seems to shut up about Bakugou. It hurts me a little bit because I am in love with him, but there is nothing I can do because he's in love with Bakugou. I wish I could do something to help him, but Bakugou is dating Kirishima and I really think he loves him. So, I sit and support him as he attempts to get over Bakugou, but all the while nursing my love for him. It is a constant burden that I never want to let go of. Because, if I let go, then I will have nothing but heartbreak.

I'm jerked out of my thoughts by the sound of a vacuum starting up somewhere in my house. My sister must be cleaning again. I move to my feet with every intention of helping her, when the front door opens. Father is home. I hear the sound of the vacuum cut off as my sister runs to greet him. I do the same and we bow in harmony as he walks through the front door.

"Shouto, I need to speak to you in the training room," he growls menacingly.

I nod and we walk towards the training room.

"I've noticed that you're still being beat by that brat Katsuki Bakugou. We should fix that, don't you agree?" he practically purrs persuasively.

"Of course father," I say respectfully, biting my tongue.

"Then come at me," he says, beckoning me.

"Gladly," I growl and take off.

I come at him with my fire and ice as hard as I can. It's not enough I can tell. He slowly gets the advantage, but still I keep fighting. I can't let that bastard win again. Otherwise I'm just as worthless as he says I am.

I turn the tables using my ice to sneak around him whilst I distract him with my fire. I get in several good blows from behind and, albeit slowly, I'm steadily getting the upper hand. He is finally forced to conceed the match to me. For the first time ever, he says, "You win. I suppose that is enough for today."

"Glad to know I can best the number one hero," I say before stumbling out of the room.

"Are you alright Shouto?" my sister asks, concerned.

"I'm fine Fuyumi. I'm going to go take a nap, so I'm not sure if I'll be downstairs for dinner. Will you please save me some?" I implore her.

"Of course Shouto," she says and I smile at her.

I stumble into my room and flop down on to the bed. Midoriya looked down today, so tomorrow I'm going to go to extra trouble to make him happy. I swear it.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed chapter 2. I should be able to get chapter 3 out relatively quickly since the first day of my Christmas break is on Friday. See y'all next time.

- Claressia

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