Chapter 1: Damaged Goods

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A/N: some of the subjects in this book are potentially triggering. You have been warned.

Izuku Midoriya PoV

It had started casual enough. At first, they'd started out as fuck buddies. They didn't even fuck that often. Only when both of them felt energetic and horny.

Then they had started doing it more often. They even began to take part in threesomes with his other fuck buddy Kirishima. Then, I decided that I wanted more. Little did I know that that was the worst desicion I ever made.

Of course, being in a relationship didn't stop Kacchan from having sex with Kirishima on the side. I didn't mind as long as Kachan was my boyfriend and everyone knew it.

But, then everyone at school started saying that Kirishima and Kachan were dating. Still, I tried to convince myself that it was fine. That it didn't matter. That Kachan was still his. Now, I knows better.

Kacchan never has loved me and never will. But, that's alright because he's cover. He may do things that no one in their right mind could put up with, but he's the only person who will ever put up with someone as worthless as me. So, I let him have his side guy and say all the shit he says because deep down I believe he cares at least a little bit.

I leave the house five minutes after Kacchan as is our staple. He doesn't want us to show up together because he doesn't want anyone to know we're together. Especially Kirishima, his side guy. Also known as his boyfriend. At least, at school.

I walk on my own, limping slightly, but otherwise I'm fine. It takes me a while to get there, so I know Kacchan has to have been here way earlier than me. I walk in slowly and go to my seat, ignoring everyone.

Kacchan is at Kirishima's desk, flirting with him. I hate seeing them together. It makes me sad because I really do love Kacchan. I just want him to love me back. Instead, he loves Kirishima.

I know the only reason he keeps me around is so that he has someone to hit and fuck no matter what time it is. It doesn't matter to me as long as he doesn't leave me. Too many people have left me already. My father, my childhood friends, even my mother.

'It's because you're a useless piece of shit,' says the voice in the back of my head.

The voice that causes me to make bad decisions. The voice that tells me what I already know. The voice that comes to me long after Kacchan is asleep. The one that whispers, 'you are worthless.'  Over and over again, relentlessly.

There's also another voice. This one is not as loud, but sometimes, when I'm feeling hopeless, it talks to me. 'It'll be alright. You're a strong boy Izuku. You can do this. You'll be alright,'  it says, always encouraging me.

But, for some reason, the negative voice seems to win. Every. Single. Time. Just one I wish the positive voice would win, but it never has and (probably) never will. I'm jolted out of my thoughts by none other than Todoroki.

"Hey Midoriya, what's wrong?" he asks, sounding concerned.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

"There is obviously something wrong," he says, insistent.

"I told you there is nothing wrong. Now can you please leave me alone," I say angrily.

"I still think there is something wrong, but I won't pressure you into talking about it. I will see you later Midoriya," he says.

"See you later Todoroki," I mutter as he walks off.

I didn't mean to snap at him, it's just that I can't take this anymore. This feeling of hopelessness. I know most people would tell me to talk about it to other people, but I don't want to be a burden. I already cause enough trouble for my friends as it is, I don't want to cause them anymore with my depression, if that's even what I should call it.

The bell rings, and once again Mr. Aizawa had done nothing but nap all class period, so I didn't even have our hero lessons to distract me. I just hope All Might doesn't ditch us for afternoon training again. I'd prefer to quit dwelling on this for now.

"Hey Deku," Uraraka shouts running up to me, Iida and Todoroki on her heels.

"Oh, hey there Uraraka," I say gloomily.

"Is something wrong?"she asks.

"No. Why does everyone keep asking me that today? I'm just tired," I say, careful not to say anything that would make her question me further. I'm honestly not in the mood to deal with this today.

"Ok if that's what you say, then that's what I'm going to go with. Now, for the even more important question. What are you planning on getting for lunch?" she asks easily, as though she had not just been asking if I was alright. I can't believe this girl sometimes. Uraraka is truly special.

"I'm actually not planning on eating anything. I'm not really hungry," I say softly.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Midoriya? What about your diet for the hero course? How is that going to affect it?" Iida asks, making really good points as always. Unfortunately, my mind is already made up.

"It'll be fine," I say and we head to the lunch room.

I sit quietly while everyone eats and laughs. Occasionally Uraraka or Iida will try to draw me into the conversation, but I quickly duck out again. Finally, it's time for our hero lessons, and we stand up to go.

When we get there, All Might is already there and we begin our lesson. We train and, as always, Kacchan, Todoroki, and I come out on top.

I then leave and start the long tread, Kacchan is still at school with Kirishima. I walk home somewhere in between coherent and incoherent thought. When I open the door to my house, I'm not expecting what I hear.

A/N: I hope you liked it. It's been a while since the last time I wrote angst, so I hope it's not that bad. I actually expect this to get 0 reads, 0 comments, and 0 votes, so if you do this I will be pleasantly surprised. Until next time.


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