Innocent Wind

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I closed my eyes and was enveloped

By the tenderness of your warmth

Unseen by anyone within a dream,

I was smiling

In this haven, you teach me of love

With your gentle voice

Surely I'd received something precious

Ai Mikaze - Innocent Wind

You are one of the scientists who are in charge of creating an android under Shining Saotome. When you started to work at the facility, you didn't make any friends because how focused you were in your studies.

Because of that, you were second in charge of creating Ai. It has been 4 years and it was accomplished. In two days, you and the other scientists because it is the day to check if he is able to program himself.

One day you are left alone in the research lab and you were making sure each machine was running perfectly for the android Ai. After finishing your job, you pulled a chair and sat in front of Ai. From time to time, you will have a conversation with the robot even if there is no one there.

"Hey, there Ai. How are you doing today? Today all sorts of thing happened." You nervously laugh. "Today Haku was programming you and I was there by the side making sure he was doing great. I must say that he is talented to do those kinds of things.

It's funny how I like him but he already has a girlfriend so there is no hope for me. If you are dumb like me, don't fall in love easily or else you will regret your actions like me and Haku... I remembered that I wanted a boyfriend during high school but studying came first.

I wonder what you will be like when you start running. Apparently, I am in charge of teaching you so it will be interesting right? Then you can finally talk to me and we can have all sorts of conversation." You chuckle.

"Oh my look at the time, I should be heading back now." You got up and ruffle his hair. "Good night Ai, sweet dreams." You smile and head out of the research room and to your bedroom. 

The next day, everyone is huddling around Ai working on last minutes adjustments and making sure everything was perfect for Ai. You, on the other hand, was checking if everything was going alright. 

At the corner of your eye, you see Haku and his girlfriend talking to each other. You were about to talk to them, but someone interrupted you. 

"Professor [L/N], does look good for his hair?" A colleague asks you. You look at the little ponytail that is at the back. "Yeah, I guess that works." You smile. "Thanks, also, are you busy tonight? The whole team is planning to celebrate."

"Uh... I don't know, but I will come if I am available." You said. "Okay, we are having the party at the lecture hall if you want to come." "Okay, thanks." You reply back. The day soon came to the end. Everyone left to celebrate the hard work they had poured into while you were left behind.

"Hi Ai, it's me again. You know I was originally invited to the party, but I feel like I don't belong there. Do you like your hairstyle? Someone did it for you and it actually suits you. You know, tomorrow is the big day.

That means I can teach you after you are awake. I am kind of excited about it so you better not fail us Ai. But main importantly, I hope I can teach you what love is Ai." You smile.

It was the next day and everyone was clinging onto their clipboards while sweating. You, on the other hand, is next to the head Professor to assist him. Ai's chest was already opened and all he needs to do is press the button. 

And as soon as he did, the engines roar to life and the chest closes itself. A pair of cyan blue eyes open to his new world. "Hello, my name is Ai Mikaze." He said and everyone cheered. "Hello Ai, my name is Professor Kisaragi. It is a pleasure to meet you." "You too Professor Kisaragi. What will I be doing today?" He asks.

 "My name is Professor [L/N] and I will be teaching you." You introduced yourself. "Yes, I already know that." Some of the scientists including yourself were confused how Ai knows you. 

"Shall we go?" You ask and Ai nodded. You take Ai's hand and lead him to the lecture hall. "Where are we?" Ai asks you. "We are at the lecture hall." You smile. "This is where young scientists learn and develop skills."

"Ai take a seat over there, we will be starting now." Ai took his seat on a chair and stare at every movement you made. "Okay Ai, the majority of the robots here have a purpose but for you, you are special. You are going to be trained to be an idol and will be taking over Aine's place." You said.

"Is there a program for that?" He asks and you shook your head. "You will be trained as a normal human by an instructor but right now, we will be working on emotions." "What are emotions?" Ai asks.

"Emotions are something you express to people. If for an example, I want to tell people I am happy, I smile like this." I smile in front of him. "You did that a lot while I was sleeping." He said. "WAIT YOU RECORDED MY CONVERSATIONS WITH YOU?!" You ask with shock and he simply nods.

"According to my research, the chances of you getting together with Haku is 0.001%." "Hey, that isn't what I am teaching you right now. Let's focus on the emotions okay?" Waiting for the robot to answer but he didn't. 

"Professor [L/N], what is l-lo-loevee...." Ai suddenly shuts down and you were panicking. "Oh no, what do I do?!" You ran to check on him making sure his engine was working again. Soon Ai reboots himself and his eyes slowly open. "Professor [L/N]?" 

"Thank goodness you're alive! I thought you weren't going to be alive." You crush him into a hug and tears were nearly coming out of your eyes. "What happened to me?" He asks and you release the hug. "Looks like you can't handle love. Next time don't over think about anything. "

"Can you teach me what love is Professor [L/N]? I will be your boyfriend according to my research. There is also enough space to make improvements." You laugh and he was still confused. "Is that a rejection?" Ai asks and you shook your head. 

"If you are going to ask me, you have to confess first and then offer. But since it is your first time, I will accept it." He stands up and you are suddenly pulled into a hug by Ai. "Wha-what are you doing?!" You exclaim. "Your warmth gives me comfort." He smiles for the first time.

A sudden blush comes to your cheeks and you return his hug. "Thank you, Ai for listening to my problems." "You're welcome [F/N]."

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