Seien Brave Heart

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Surely, there is nothing we can do alone

Each time I see your smiling face, it pierces my heart

Masato Hijirikawa - Seien Brave Heart

You are a princess of a big country and everyone loves you for being independent and courageous. Masato is your knight has been growing up with you during your childhood. Ever since the death of you parents seven years ago, Masato has sworn to you that he will protect you.

You are now at the age of getting married and you have been busy with meetings with different princes. Many of them said it is for alliances purposes or that they want to claim land. But what you want is your fiancé to be in love with you.

Until a prince name, Ian showed up in your country. He claimed that he loves when he young and at first you believed him but Masato doesn't. You and prince Ian have been going on dates to deepen your relationship until it has been decided by the elders, you are going to marry Prince Ian.

"[Y/N] I do not trust this Prince Ian guy," Masato confesses. "But he said he loves me." "Not when you hear his plans about taking over this kingdom. Listen to me [Y/N], Ian does not actually love you, he is only using you for world domination." All the things Ian had spoken to you about felt like it is real.

"Masato, I'm sorry but I think you are just exaggerating about Prince Ian." "But [Y/N], are you really going to trust that guy over me? I have known you for a long time and you only met this guy two months ago." He did bring up a good point but when will you meet someone again who has feelings for you?

You hesitate to answer and Masato knew that you would reject his point. "You know what, I quit being your knight now. I had enough service time." He drops his sword and walks away from you. You felt empty as you see Masato walking away from you. A tear slips out of your eye while you pick up his sword. I'm sorry Masato...

After a few days, you haven't seen Masato in the castle. You checked his room to see if he was there but it was empty. Later on, you asked everyone in the castle where Masato lives now but no one knows where he went. 

Still being depressed by Masato leaving you, you walk to your office. You were about to walk in until you hear Ian talking to someone. "That's how we will be taking over this pathetic kingdom," Ian said. "What do we do about Princess [Y/N]? You said you love her." The person asks.

"Oh her? I don't even love her! She is just a weak girl always having that stupid knight by her side. She is only a stepping stone to my plan." You gasp. Masato was right! Oh, wish I had listened to his words. But he left me... You start to think about a plan to stop Ian's plans.

After a week, the wedding ceremony is held and you are standing at the altar with Ian next to you. "We are here today to celebrate the joining of Prince Ian and Princess [Y/N]. Do you Prince Ian Huffington take Princess [Y/N] [L/N] to be your lawful wedded wife?" The priest asks. "I do." "Do you Princess [Y/N] [L/N] take Prince Ian Huffington as your lawful wedded husband?" "I do-"

An explosion is heard at the back of the chapel and everyone runs out of the church from the sudden attack. Ian turns around and starts to bark commands for the guards. "Guards! Find the person who dared to interrupt this wedding!" Suddenly you were pulled into someone's chest while a dagger is pointed at your throat.

"Don't move Prince Ian or else your wife will be killed!" Ian turns to see you threaten by someone wearing a mask. "[Y/N]! Unhand her right now." Ian demands but the kidnapper didn't move an inch. "You have two choices. One you will stop this wedding and never come back to the wedding, or two, I will kill Princess [Y/N] and your privileges of being King in this kingdom will be gone."

You see the frustration on Ian's face. "Fine, I will stop this wedding. This kingdom is a waste of space anyways." His true colours showing to everyone and you gasp. "What you thought I actually love you? Well, jokes on you because I only wanted to conquer this land as a part of world domination." "Guards, take him away and throw him to jail!" You command and they did as they were told.

"Unhand me! Is this how you treat your future King!?" "Sorry Prince Ian but Princess [Y/N] did not complete her vows." The priest said. "YOU B*ITCH! I WILL GAIN MY REVENGE AND KILL YOU!" Ian is dragged away by the knights and the kidnapper releases you. 

"If Masato was only here, I would've apologized to him..." "He is actually closer than you think." You turn around and the kidnapper takes off his mask.

"Masato," tears were at the brim of your eyes. "It's okay [Y/N], I am here." He pulls you into a hug and you hug him back crying. "I'm sorry for saying horrible things to you. I should've listened to you." He pulls you away and wipes the tears off your face.

"It's fine, [Y/N]. You did your best. Anyways, were you about say 'I do' or not?" He asks and you shook your head. He chuckles and kisses your forehead. Your heart starts to beat fast. Since when did my heart start to beat like this? Then you came to the conclusion of having feelings for Masato.

"M-Masato, I think I like you..." You said quietly and Masato smiles. "I have been waiting for those words from you." A pair of lips fell onto yours and you kiss him back happily. "Ahem!" You pull away to see you were interrupted by the priest. "We still have a wedding to finish." You and Masato smile.

"Shall we [Y/N]?" Masato asks and you nod happily. He takes your hand and you stand next to Masato at the altar. "Do you Masato Hijirikawa take Princess [Y/N] [L/N] as your lawful wedded wife?" "I do." He answers. "And do you Princess [Y/N] [L/N] take Masato Hijirikawa as your lawful wedded husband?" "I-" Masato suddenly looks at you and you laugh.

"I do." You answer. "I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest states. "You may now kiss the bride." Masato turns to you and kisses you. Everyone cheers and since then, you lived your life happily with your knight in shining armour.

bonus scene...

"Mama, do you think I can find someone as brave as papa?" Your six-year-old daughter asks after you told her the story about the wedding. "You have to meet the right person [D/N]. But I am sure you will." You give her a kiss on her forehead.

"His Highness arrives!" Someone yells. "Sounds like papa came back from his trip." You said and your daughter smiles as she runs to the court to meet her father. You follow her and see her running towards Masato.

"Papa!" "[D/N]!" Masato picks her up and twirls her around while hugging her tight. "How are you?" Masato asks her as he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm great! Mama told me about your wedding." He looks at you while you smile at him. 

"Is that true?" He asks and she nods. "Yup! I never knew how brave you are Papa. Coming in and saving Mama from the bad guy." He chuckles. "And how are you darling?" He asks you while giving you a kiss on your lips.

"I'm great. I found out today that [D/N] will be having a sibling." You told him the news and he smiles. "That's great. What gender?" Masato asks. "I hope that it is a little brother because I can protect him from everything." Your daughter said while you chuckle.

"We'll see about it." You said. 

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