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“Yah Jungwoo, can you get out in this fucking room of yours now? We’re going to be late. If you ain’t going to stand up from that stupid bed, then we’ll going without you.” Doyoung stated while standing on the door way of Jungwoo's room. He's been laying down for about an hour.

Jungwoo felt his body is too heavy to stand up. Today is Yukhei and Olivia’s flight to Hong Kong, and his heart is aching right now. He knew really well that he’ll going to cry all day if he will witness Yukhei leave Korea. But on the other hand, he also need to send him off, if he won’t show up this time, Yukhei will be upset.

However, what could he do? He just can’t see him go? What if he won’t be going back here anymore?

No, that won’t happen.

What is this? Is he regreting now? For his decision?

“Now what Jungwoo?” Jaehyun came in too while crossing his arms. “Johnny hyung is waiting outside. Just tell us if you’re going or not.”

“I want to go.” Jungwoo glances them with teary eye. “But I can’t seems do it.” He sobbed and tried to get up from bed. Well, Jungwoo is dressed up already but, he couldn't move right after.

"Come on. We're here with you." Jaehyun offers his hand to the younger, Jungwoo stared at it first before taking Jaehyun's hand and held it tight. "We'll not going to leave you. We promise." Then, he smiled.

Right after that, the boys went to airport together to send Yukhei off. Though, it might be hard for Jungwoo to see his boyfriend leaving, he should be there because Yukhei's expecting him to come.

Johnny's with them today, he offers a ride for free because after all, they're his students and hoobaes, and his boyfriend's friends. So, he's the driver and Ten is sitting beside him, of course.

“Don’t be too sad Jungwoo, I know it’s hard but you need to show him that you’re strong even if you’re not. He might cancel his flight because of you.” Doyoung said while sucking his Americano latte. Johnny brought coffee for all of them.

“Huh?” Jungwoo wiped his tears.

“You see, you’re that important than any other thing for that fool so, he’ll do anything just for you.” Ten is the one who answered while helping Johnny for his coffee by holding it for him.

Jungwoo rest his head on Jaehyun’s shoulder until they arrived to the airport. Jaehyun didn’t mind it, he understand how Jungwoo feels right now. He felt that feelings before when Taeyong needs to leave the country to review for his board exam with Johnny.

It’s hard, but they made it.


“Jaehyun! Over here!” The boys saw Winwin waving his hand to help them where to go because this place is wide and huge.

“Oh, they came too.” Ten waved his hand back.

“Who’s that unfamiliar guy beside Winwin and Mark?” Doyoung pointed Kun who’s looking to his phone and doing something.

“That’s Kun hyung. Winwin’s boyfriend and Yukhei’s sweet neighbor who takes care of him.” Jungwoo answered lazily then, glance Yukhei who’s looking at him right now.

Jungwoo hemmed then run to his boyfriend and the other welcomed him in his arms. He hugged him tight like there’s no tomorrow because he don’t want them to separate even if it’s just a week.

“I thought you’re not going to show up.” Yukhei kissed his temple.

“I’m planning to, but of course I can’t resist you.” Jungwoo giggled, not realizing that he’s tearing up again.

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