My Story

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  It was not long after I was born that I was put into the foster care system. I was in and out of foster care living with either my mom or dad and their many different partners. One thing that didn't change about living with either of my parents was the abuse, whether it was from them or their partners it was always there. Eventually I got used to the pain, got used to being thrown against walls or being hit with anything available. Though I lived with many others kids I got hurt the most even by them sometimes. I was the weakest, smallest, and most vulnerable, in other words I was the easiest to hurt because they knew I wouldn't say anything. When I was young my mom taught me the wonders or in my words nightmares of drugs in alcohol while on the other side my dad taught me what pain and stealing was all about. One night while I was living with my dad he came home drunk and angry. He picked me up by the hair and threw me against the wall. I cried and cried as he dragged over the chair and got some tape. I screamed and bawled as he taped me to the chair and forced me to watch the thing called porn. No matter how much I screamed he wouldn't stop. Then one night I woke to the sound of sirens. The feeling of weightlessness took over my body as a police officer picked me up and walked out side and proceeded to place me in the back of his car along with another one of my siblings. That night me and my sister ended up staying at this nice old lady's house for the night but the next day we were separated and I didn't see any of my family for years. I got sent to a children's home in Seattle, as for my family I didn't know where they had ended up. I moved from home to home in a short amount of time. All the houses had the same thing in them, abuse. Whether it was physically, sexually, emotionally, or mentally it was always there. I had experienced things people couldn't and shouldn't be able to think of. I moved at the age of 7 to a family with my sister I had came from summer camp I guess it had been said before I left to summer camp that it would be used as a transition from family to family for me. continue reading for the rest.

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