Chapter 6

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Rehab Center October 27, 2018

"I must be allergic to the fourth step." Luke took a deep breath as he stared at the notebook, "Every time I do one, I break out in track marks."

"Good." Joey scoffed from her place beside the open window, "If you liked it you'd be doing it wrong."

"A fearless moral inventory." He recited tapping the notebook with his pen.

"We're only as sick as our secrets." She murmured through the cigarette in her mouth as she lit it.

"Okay, well Let's see." He tossed is book on the table, "I've burned my sister and girlfriend for thousands of dollars." He took a hit off the cigarette, "Lied to Tara like it was my job, stolen from both her and Steve on countless occasions."

Luke chewed on the pen cap as he continued, "I broke Tara's heart, missed Nellie's wedding. I've even robbed my asshole of a father." He smirked up at Joey, "Though that one doesn't exactly keep me up at night."

Joey frowned at the mention of his girlfriend but didn't comment on it, "Try stealing morphine from your mother on her deathbed."

"Probably would've," He shrugged, "but she didn't really give me a chance."

"At least you have other family, you know?" She hit the cigarette, "Someone you can make amends to."

"Yeah." He agreed taking the cigarette from her, "But I've done some shitty things, Joey."

"Who hasn't?" she asked rhetorically, "I've been on the streets since I was 13. There aren't enough pages in that notebook for all my shit." She nodded over to the book sitting on the desk.

"I never know how far back to go. Like, do I cover high school?" He asked taking another hit, "Like stealing cash out of my aunt's wallet for beer, or do I just start with "I briefly lived in a haunted house"." He gave a sarcastic laugh looking over at his friend.

"Hey." He said noticing her pensive look, "You okay?"


"Something's bothering you tonight?" He asked again.

"What could possibly be bothering me in a place like this?" She replied cynically taking a drag

"You're nine months clean, Joey. Nine months." Luke enunciated proudly, "Your sobriety, its full term. It's a fully-formed little baby anywhere." He brought the cigarette up to his lips, "Nine months clean is a palace."

Joey laughed lightly, "Speaking of little baby, how's yours doing?"

"She's doing great," Luke grinned at the mention of his little girl and pulled a picture out of his pocket showing it to Joey,

"I haven't gotten a chance to see her since she was born, but Tara promised to bring her by, and that on my next day pass we'd spend the whole day together as a family

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"I haven't gotten a chance to see her since she was born, but Tara promised to bring her by, and that on my next day pass we'd spend the whole day together as a family."

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