So. I will try my very hardest to make sure this gets updated every Saturday, cause that's usually the day of the week I have the most time to actually do fun stuff like this. I'll set a reminder and tell my bestie to hit me over the head if I forget. :P Promise.
PS: If you ever read a section and feel it absolutely needs a trigger warning let me know.
At 5 years old little Callie ran up to and tackled the 7 year old boy that dared to tease their 7 year old brother. All fury coiled inside of a small package that exploded, leaving the bully with a bruised bum and a bloody nose. Of course this left Callie, in the principal's office, with a confused grimace on their face as the principal talks to them about how wrong it was to do what they did. How a proper lady should ask for help, how their pants and superman shirt are a little...not right. How Callie would enjoy this whole school experience better if they would just wear a dress sometimes.
Callie's brother on the other hand couldn't express his gratitude fast enough. He's an introverted bookworm through and through and not for a second did he want to confront that big bully. But that night he got a rough talking to from dad. And things started to change. See. This moment. It seemed innocent enough to the two children at the time. But this was the moment that shaped their whole future. Not by their choices. But by the choices of the adults around them. And it's on this path that a story of perseverance. Grace. Forgiveness. Love. And inner strength. Shines the brightest and forges a path for others to walk on. It's a story of sibling love, and discovering your lifes purpose.