#12. The Start of A Cold War

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Felix scoffed as he looked at the man in front of his door, "Why should I listen to you? You never listen to me,"

Mino's jaw tightened as his hands formed a fist, "I never thought I have to meet you again. Moreover in a situation like this," said Mino.

Felix showed him a bitter smile, "I never thought I'm falling for someone whose brother is the last person I want to meet again,"

Mino took a deep breath, "For this once, before it's too late. Leave my sister alone, she deserves someone who is way better than you. Someone who can think about the consequences first before doing something stupid" was the last thing Mino said to Felix before turning his heels to get to yours and his door.

He got in the unit after unlocking the door and closed it again a bit harsh. He walked towards the kitchen to get a drink.

He lifted the glass filled with water and took a drink from it while turning his body around. He saw you standing in the doorway and tried his best to give you the warmest smile.

"Just a minute," he said as you left him in the kitchen.

He sighed and finished his drink. He put the empty glass in the sink and washed it before drying it. He walked towards his room and entered it. He saw you laying on his bed and walked towards you.

He threw himself beside you and closed his eyes before sighing, "How was your day?"

He felt you turned your head towards him, "It was fun. Guess what made it even more perfect," you said while smiling.

Mino smiled and chuckled. He looked at his sister and oh how much he wanted to protect her from anything that could hurt her. He really loves his sister and seeing her getting hurt would be the last thing he wants.

"Hmm, I give up. Tell me," he said that made your smile even wider just by thinking about it.

"Felix confessed," you said as you grabbed a pillow to hide your burning face.

Mino widened his eyes. He did know that this was coming but he never knew it would be this fast. He looked at you who was smiling happily and didn't have the heart to break it.

"Really?" he asked again, making sure. You nodded as a reply and that just made Mino even more depressed. "I think you should give him up," said Mino as he sat up.

Seeing you break down is the last thing he wants but if it is for your best, what else can he do?

You furrowed your eyebrows, "What?"

There were a few moments of silence before your brother sighed, "Nevermind,"

He took back everything he just said, he wasn't ready to see you getting hurt, yet. He just got here and live with you. He doesn't want you to hate him after years of being apart.


The next day, Felix and Hyunjin closed the shop just like usual. They made a plan to hang out with the others after work. They sat side by side on the bus while talking random and sometimes stupid things.

After a few more stops, they finally arrived at Changbin's neighborhood. They walked by a few blocks and arrived in front of the Seo family's porch.

"Just a minute," they heard someone yelled from inside.

The door finally opened by the youngest of the group. Jeongin greeted them with a wide smile and let them in.

"Changbin's preparing the snacks and the others haven't arrived yet. Hyunjin, let's play Mario Kart," Jeongin pulled Hyunjin towards the living room leaving Felix.

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