Late realisations might cost much more than expected••

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It was on the day before her marriage she decided to convince him for the one last time••
she was in love with him for the past two years and he never showed a sign of acceptance••
As the person who gets ignored keeps on cogitating seriously, thus getting deep ••He never let her feel like she was ignored••
So that evening she went to him to atleast convince him ••and request him to he accept her as it was the only way left •• but still the boy's answer was simply "NO••"

She waited for few moments but she couldn't control herself any longer••
She literally broke down to tears before him saying " what's your problem ••why dont you accept•• a girl kept her everything aside for you and you still dont accept her••why•• what type of a human are you•• why don't you respect others feelings •• atleast think about it once,How I put my every possible effort to see you happy••After all this why don't you think we could be happier•• atleast tell me a proper reason••Atleast let me feel like am lacking in something that might be the reason for you to not accept me•• you dont express anything••you dont say something••you keep me on pause for everything ••why are you so mean•• why dont you atleast think about me••" and she still kept weeping and continued "listen! a girl never degrades herself under any circumstances unless she feels for it •• But now It also makes me feel like you were never concerned about me••that's okay but let me tell you this ••tomorrow by this time I will be married and I may never see you again even if you wish me to, if you desire me to be a part in your life•• even if it is 10minutes before the marriage I'll convince my parents•• please ponder about it" "and may be for the last time
I LOVE YOU" saying this she left••

The girl understood that ,he definitely will not accept her under any circumstances••so she requested few of their friends to atleast bring him along with them••

The next morning when they went to him ••the boy was no where to be seen ••So his friends went to her wedding without taking him •••atleast to show their faces to her as the event was already over••because they were searching for the boy all the time ••

After a couple of hours the boy returned to his room and called his friends as he knew they might be worrying about him••

After attending there his friends went to the boy to know what just happened•• for which••
he answered "I knew you people will come here to take me to her marraige so I went to a movie and intentionally left my phone,anything else••??"

Days passed on••

And after a few days when the girl was watching her marriage video , she found a mysterious person ••for her surprise the boy visited there, exactly after the marriage was over but why did he come there alone, that too without informing anyone•• ?? that question ran through her mind the day and night•• she captured the clipping of him and sent it to the boy's best friend and asked him to know "why"••

The next day ••He went to the boy and after a casual talk,He asked the boy
"Did you go to her marriage that day ?"•• The boy answered " No, why will I?" ••
then his friend showed him the clipping and asked "now explain this!" ••
the boy answered " I just went there to see if any of you people were there, but you people weren't so I alone went to the movie!"••

Though his friend asked him all the possible questions the boy kept on repeating the same story again and again and again••

after an hour of conversation about the same topic, his friend said" see I came here just because I felt like you will tell me something new but you are telling me something , the same news that everyone knows,that's fine••I'll leave it here for now as I have to go to my office, if you really feel like answering me something then just call me after my office hours" ••
and as he was about to leave••The boy asked
"would you mind not going to your office today?"••
His freind asked " why? "••
The boy looked at his friend eye in eye, held his friend's hand in hand and said,"yes! I realised how important she is to me•• yes!I wanted her to be mine••yes! I knew it will cost us so much but I thought of requesting her parents•• I felt like a part of my body is going to get paralyzed ••of course I didn't accept her but somewhere in my heart, I wished her to be with me•• as soon as it struck my heart I immediately went to her••on the way, bike ran out of petrol••I thought of informing any of you ••but ••see the luck never favored me that day, the universe never wanted us to get united ,in hurry I even forgot my mobile••I went by foot to that place ••and by the time I reached there it was over••she got married •• She became someone else's part••It's all over•• at that point of time I realised I was too late in finalizing my decision••" and clearing of his face he continued " From that day I never wanted to see her because I wouldn't have controlled my emotions looking at her with someone•• and I never wanted her to see me because might she remember all our past••I wanted her to stay happy wherever she is••"

As the boy was speaking these words , His friend's mobile rang and it was the girl••the boy asked him to pick the call but said him not to tell anything that has happened••

The girl asked him if he found out,for which he answered " yes ••he did come there but it was on some purpose, he was going somewhere alone so he came there if he can find some one of us to accompany him••"

the girl wasn't satisfied with the answer••so she asked again" was that true ••tell me whatever it is ••I will never mind • I have to know the truth••tell me whatever it is•• answer me••"
so he answered " see! as of now you are married ••I can't tell you everything •• whatever though happened has happened leave it••I can just tell you this he wished to see you happy•• "
the girl asked " what do you mean••??" for which he answered " well , he realised your importance that day and came there for you but by the time he reached there , you got married ••for now he just wants to see you stay happy••" and hung the call••

A few months later ••the girl saw the boy in some public place ••she really felt happy for getting a glance at him,the one who understood her love ••she felt her appearance might disturb him••so she didn't let him notice her,she covered her face with a scarf but the boy noticed her and came to her••

They went to a near by coffee shop and ordered something for them••
Both of them asked the same question at the same time " How is your life going"
They smiled at each other and the boy answered " Uhmm ! going good•• It was tough for me to go through all that in the beginning but some how I came over all that, now I am employed in  an MNC and recently bought a new house"•• the girl felt really happy for him•• and she started " My husband works in the banking sector as a Manager, we shifted here a month ago •• in the beginning I faced so many misunderstandings with him but he is really a great person by heart , we are really happy for what we are now••"
and by the time their ordered coffee has come and sipping it , they talked so much about their past,present and their future goals••and before they left , they wished each other " Good luck" and with a happy and pleasant heart they moved away••


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