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Yujin tried her best not to smile and squeal like an idiot in a train as it stopped to a certain train stop and people went in. Her eyes were scanning around the crown to find her crush. Her face lit up when she spotted a bruenette walking towards her usual seat.

She could go to her school with her bike but she decided to take a train to see her crush.

As usual, the brunette was absolutely stunning. She had long wavy brown hair which looked good on her small and delicate face. Her brown orbs that could and would drown Yujin. Her pink lips looked enticing for her and she wanted to kiss her so bad. She was wearing her school uniform. Yujin saw that her ribbon was green, indicating that she was a first year high schooler and a year younger than her.

Yujin met the girl's eyes and immediately looked away. She didn't want the girl to be creeped out because she just checked her out earlier. When she felt that the girl's gaze wasn't on her anymore, she looked at the girl and saw that she wore her earphones to listen to music while playing some games.

She just watched the girl in awe. How can she look so gorgeous even if she's just breathing?

Sadly, the train stopped and some passengers made their way to the exit, including Yujin's crush. The girl stood up and so did Yujin. She purposely walked behind the girl so that she can be close to the girl. It was disappointing for Yujin but the girl exited to the other door while she exited to the opposite door.

Once again, Ahn Yujin failed to get her name.


"Again? Yujin, you're really a panicked gay! You should be a confident one like me!" Yujin's closest cousin, Yena, groaned after Yujin told her what happened on the train earlier. Well, it wasn't new to her because she always tells Yena about her so-called-crush.

"She's too pretty that I can't speak! How can you expect me to talk to her?" Yujin replied and slumped on her bed while groaning.

Yena clicked her tongue. "Are you sure you're not hallucinating? I mean, the girl you described is the definition of an angel!" She stated. "How could you find someone like that?"

"She's real!" Yujin retorted. "I'll prove it to you!"

Yena smirked. "Let's make a deal. If your 'crush' is real by tomorrow, I'll give you $50. But if she's not real, I will give you $50." She offered. She loves bets, and so does Yujin.

The tall girl smirked. "Sure."

"You can't even talk to her tho. Are you sure you can do it?" Yena taunted the younger.

Yujin scoffed. "I'll just take a picture of her and I'll get my sweet $50 from you. Well I also need some money to buy some Iz*one merchs."

"Nah, I can hear your wallet crying from here." Yena shot back at laughed afterwards.

The two continued to talk about Yujin's massive crush on the girl, Yena's duck lips, and debated whether the earth is flat or not.


As usual, Yujin was already on her usual seat- right in front of the girl's seat, patiently waiting for her crush that will never notice her. People went in and her world became colorful when she spotted the giant cutie. It wasn't that hard because even if she was in a huge crowd, she would absolutely stand out.

Ahn Yujin, you're so whipped.

The girl sat on her usual seat, wore her earphones and played games. Well, that's her usual routine. Of course, Yujin noticed that.

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