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okay so here's wonyo's side!

Wonyoung tried to hide her smile as she entered the train. Usually, she really hates going to school but these past few days, she was eager to go to school.

She has a bike, but lately, she wants to take the train.

She took a glance at the girl in front of her usual spot and saw the person whom she thought was cute. She had short brown hair and the top part was tied in a bun and she was wearing a uniform that belonged to the school that was at the opposite direction of where the train was heading.

She took a seat and felt the girl's stare. She wanted to look back but the girl might look away.

Wonyoung decided to wear her earphones and tried to divert her attention to her phone. She wanted to talk to someone so she decided to chat her close friend.

To: mintchaewon

From: mintchaewon
the train girl?

To: mintchaewon

From: mintchaewon
instead of gay panicking why dont u just talk to her istg you've been gay panicking since last week

To: mintchaewon
you make it sound easy to talk to her djfkdkd

From: mintchaewon
ofc im not a coward like u💅

To: mintchaewon
oh rly 🤠

To: mintchaewon
i'd like to see u talk to minju-unnie 🤠💅

From: mintchaewon
bye gtg i hope u're gonna miss ur first period 🙂

To: mintchaewon
ok i hope u embarrass urself in front of minju-unnie❤️

Wonyoung pouted when their conversation ended. But she also had fun teasing Chaewon.

She decided to open the camera app and tilted it a little while she tried her best not to look obvious. Before pressing the button, she made sure that the flash wasn't on because it would be super embarrassing. She pressed the button 5 times, capturing 5 photos of the girl sitting on front of her.

She smiled as she looked at the photos of the girl. Wonyoung thought that the girl looked cute in that hairstyle and she was pressing her lips together, showing her deep dimples on her cheeks while playing something on her phone.

Wonyoung could finally change her wallpaper.

The train stopped, and sadly it was her stop. She stood up and took a glance at the girl- who also stood up and walked behind her. She exited at the other door while the girl exited at another door.

Wonyoung sighed. Once again, she failed to talk to the girl.


"oH MY GLOB WONYOUNG! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE EARLIER!" Nako exclaimed and laughed out loud while Chaewon tried to cover her mouth.

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