hey sorry guys

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Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize on not updating this story lately! I recently had a problem with wattpad and couldn't find this story in my works and I couldn't even find a trace of it in my notifications. It was as of it had completely disappeared but I have it back now and I'm currently working on an update for y'all. I just need a bit of backstory on cinder since I'm not too familiar since I only know what I've read about rwby. I'd appreciate if you guys could make me more familiar with cinder. I'm await that shes a leader of the white fang? Sorry if I'm wrong but I have you guys to teach me so I can make this story perfect! *^ ^*

Also if you guys could, I'd really appreciate if you could maybe donate to my PayPal. I live in a country where PayPal doesn't allow me to add money to my account so I'd really appreciate donations. Even little ones like 50 cents to a dollar would be amazing. This isn't me forcing you to do it I just kindly ask if you can and if you cant or dont want to it's absolutely fine. Anyways thanks guys for reading and following me and I love you all! *^ ^*

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