The little girl waited a second for me to answer.
" Did they say you were special?" She asked poking my arm.
"I don't know," I croaked, " they kidnapped me and threw me in a white room and then a guard beat the shit out of me for trying to run away... Then I remember waking up in a room... Wait. Do you know where we are?"
Her face brightened when she heard me talk.
" We are in the assembly room. We are gonna get to see what happened to the normal people of the real world."
Those words started to worry me.
These people are insane! What are they doing to all these people?! I thought to myself.
After a few quiet minutes a slim lady stepped on to the stage. She had a large folder full of crumpled and uneven pieces of colour full paper.
"Hello, everyone. For those who are new here my name is Dr. Smith. I am head of science and testing, I own this place. So let's start with role call,
Jillian Brock?
A little girl raised her hand,
Martin Deplage?
Kenneth Long?
Makayla Kin?
Makayla Kin?
Where is Makayla Kin?" She started to get angry. "She has 10 seconds to respond or she will be a nothing."
She started a timer of ten seconds.
The kids started going crazy screaming her name until they heard a loud boom.The room went dead silent.
"Let us now continue role call."
Role call went on for about 20 minutes.
The lady quickly rushed off stage. A loud boom filled the air shaking the walls and the floor.
Nobody seemed to notice.
They all seemed like motionless zombies.I need to get out of here. This is torture. We need to get out. But we are locked in.
Horrorbeing shoved into a dark room is scary for everyone. But would you survive? Nobody leaves these labs alive