Chapter Thirty Nine: A Little Too Much

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"She would not show that she was afraid, but being and feeling alone was too much to face, though everyone said that she was so strong, what they didn't know is that she could barely carry on." - Shawn Mendes, A Little Too Much.

I sat on the couch stiffly as I waited for Kyle to arrive. The air was thick with tense, everybody here knew I had a bad past with Kyle; they just didn't know how bad it was.

We waited for a few minutes until we heard the sound of the car pull up and the slamming of car doors. My breathing hitched in my throat as I heard a few voices talking and boots hitting the decking.

A few seconds' later, knuckles hitting against the door made Mum, George and Dane jump up from her seat next to me and speed walk to the front door to answer it. I stayed rooted in my seat while Kaiden and Nicole comforted me by whispering soothing words.

I heard his deep, rich voice start talking to Mum, greeting her kindly. If he only knew that she also knows about the hell he put me through.

I could feel my palms get sweaty and my heart race in anticipation. Though it wasn't the way my heart would race from Joel, this time, I was scared of what would happen.

I heard his famous combat boots hit against the floorboards yet again. This time, they grew louder with every step he took, each step he get closer to me. And suddenly, the loud thuds came to a halt and I knew he was standing behind me. I slowly found myself turning towards Kyle, and when my eyes met his my breathing hitched.

He looked exactly the same; tall, muscle bulging from his black tee shirt. He oozed confidence as well as arrogance; the two were not a good mix. His hair was longer then before, as well lighter, yet shaved on the sides and the front up in a quiff. His honey colored eyes didn't draw me in like they used too, they were swirling with happiness and desire.

I burned with anger just looking at him and I bet my eyes displayed that. I stared at him for a long time, a glare plastered on my face that showed the hate I had for him.

"Adriana, can we please talk? Alone?" Kyle suggest with a small smile on his face. I nodded my head calmly and stood up. I made my way towards the stairs and up to my room, I knew Kyle was following by the sound of his combat boots hitting against the floorboards.

As soon as we were in my room, Kyle shut the door behind us and stood there awkwardly. It surprised me, it wasn't normal for Kyle to be awkward around anybody.

"No words can explain how sorry I am." Kyle spoke with his head hung low. I stayed quiet, trying to calm myself but my rage was starting to boil every time he spoke.

"Fuck, I was so stupid to do what I did. But Addie, I wasn't myself and I wasn't thinking. I was drunk and high, I was also horny and fuck, I'm so sorry." Kyle said in a rushed, frustrated voice. He looked at me desperately but I kept my face blank.

"There aren't any excuses for what you did." My voice came out hard and strong, displaying how angry I was.

"I want you back-" Kyle started but I immediately cut him off.

"I love Joel now, Kyle. This is an arranged marriage, I don't want this." I said to him heatedly. I saw the hurt in Kyle's eyes but it diminished quickly.

"I need you Addie. I need you so fucking bad it hurts. And not once through these last seven months did I ever stop loving you." Kyle said with an intense look. Maybe seven months ago these words would make me run into his arms, but not now. Not when I knew what he had done, and definitely not now that I had Joel.

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