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Not sure if anyone will read this fanfic, so tell me if I should write more?


Chapter 1-

"Mom I don't even like sea food!"

I whined as we walked into a fish and chips restaurant near the boardwalk of the beach. So far this family vacation sucked. A 14 year old girl can only handle so much time with her family. I ran my fingers through my recently dyed hair. I had just dyed it a bright red color a few days ago, and I was still getting used to it. The red reminded me of red velvet cupcakes, and I thought it brought out my chocolate brown eyes. I wasn't very tall, but I wasn't short either. Right now I was wearing a blue romper and strappy sandals. I rolled my eyes as I walked in to the building, covered in British flags.

"How many?"

asked the waitress at the front of the store. I looked over at my mom, dad, and little sister.


I said louder than intended. My mom hit my arm and corrected me. I cursed under my breath as we walked to our table. It was a busy restaurant, but luckily there was a table right away for us.

"Mom, there is nothing on this menu I like,"

I whined. I looked through it again. Fish, fish, fish, and fish. Who even eats fish these days? Looks like I was skipping dinner. All of a sudden I heard three familiar chords come on the radio. Now was my chance to get kicked out of this restaurant. Maybe we could get pizza instead!


I screamed at the top of my lungs. The whole restaurant started to stare at me as I danced around in my seat. These tables weren't very spread out. Whatever YO friggin LO.


I continued. I kept screaming and dancing until a waitress came over and told me to settle down. My mom shook her head in disapproval. I would have kept singing if my damn mother wouldn't have given me her death stare. That stare usually means I'm about to get grounded.. I could practically feel the several pairs of eyes on me.  I wasn't the type to fangirl over a band, but boy did I love annoying my parents.

I heard someone walk into the restaurant. I kept flipping through the menu.


Screamed a voice coming from the front of the restaurant. I tried to see who it was but my mom hit my arm.

"Find something to eat Ashley!"

She snapped at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to flip through the menu, not really focusing on anything but the strange voices coming from the front of the store. I wasn't going to find anything I liked anyways. One of the boys  was definitely gay. I stealthily took out my iPhone 4s and texted my best friend El.

Me: omfg some idiots r totes crashing this restaraunt!D;<

El<3<3: lol they cute/?

Me: dunno i cant even see them

All of a sudden the voices got louder and turned to face them. They weren't facing me, but I could see their backs. All of the boys looked similar to One Direction, dressed in all of their signature, 'too cool for you' outfits.  I squinted to see if it was them, but the boys dressed as Liam has hair similar to Justin Bieber's. I sighed in disappointment that it wasn't actually One Direction, I would have gotten a good laugh. I guess it didn't really matter, they all  seemed like complete douchebags, and they sound like little 13 year olds.

I actually hate One Direction. The curly haired one actually reminds me of a boy that used to constantly bully me through grade school. All the way through elementary school I had a lot of friends. I guess you could say, I was popular. That all changed in the middle  of 6th grade. I was sitting with my friends with our boyfriends, laughing and having a good time. Life was great for me. Then "Edward" came into my life. I never actually learned his real name, no one would ever tell me. Edward was new to our middle school. He had curly brown hair, much like Harry Styles, and the boy standing in the restaurant. He had piercing green eyes and toned abs.

Edward started to join our little clique. We all began to be really good friends with him, but he never seemed too pleased with me. We would hang out with him all the time, but he never bothered to tell me his name. He would just shrug. He finally just told me his name was Edward, but I think he was lying. Then at lunch I would notice that Edward would whisper to everyone whenever I got up. After about a week of this, I finally got tired of it. I got up from my seat and got up to get a napkin. I took a few steps and stood there until I heard the whispering. I quickly stormed over.

"Okay, I want to know what you guys have been talking about, now."

I said firmly. My friends and my boyfriend looked at each other uneasily, while Edward just snickered. One of my friends Hailey started to nod at Edward, and the others followed, except for my boyfriend Nick. Although, I wouldn't call him a boyfriend at the time. We were becoming very distant ever since Edward came.

"You can't sit with us."

Edward spat at me. My jaw dropped as I looked around at my so called friends. They all looked down at their lunches. I finally turned to my boyfriend, who I trusted with everything.


I said, my voice shaking. He put his hands into a fist and looked into my eyes. He was hurt, I could tell, but he said nothing. I held back the tears as I walked unsteadily to the bathroom. [What I call it now in America] That was the day when my life went spiraling down.  As if it wasn't enough that my friends turned against me and my boyfriend did nothing, Edward still managed to make my life even worse. He would call me names, and spread rumors about me, while my old friends would laugh at me. I was named 'Miss popular who became a loser'. I would come  home crying everyday.

"Isn't Mrs. Horny for Nick looking like a slut today?"

Memories came rushing back from middle school.

"It's Horn! My name is Ashley Horn!"

I would say, but Edward would never stop the teasing. Tears started forming but I blinked them away. I was not in Enland anymore. I looked back at the boys, still faced the other way. I texted El again.

Me: omgz 1 of the boiz r hawtt.

El<3<3: color hair?

Me: brown and dayum he looks good in stripes, glad he isn't in 1d!

El<3<3: TAKE THAT BACK! name?

Me: dunno

I was about to go to the bathroom before the server came over to ask for the order I didn't want, until two arms scooped me up and whisked me away, away from my parents and away from that damn restaurant. Whoever was carrying me laughed. "You can tell your friend my name is Louis Tomlinson," he said with a snicker. Where did I know that name from?

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