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It was a cold and dark night in a small town Godric's Hollow, a new house was lit by a green light. A witch with a wand was out front of the house, smiling evilly. The witch goes inside and looks at James dead body on the floor and she smiles and starts laughing.  A big snake came from behind her, she pass to James body to the upper room of the house. The evil witch name is Bellatrix Lenstrage, one of the most loyal witches to the dark lord. She enters the room and sees Lilly dead body on the floor and two babies in the cot. The black haired baby was quiet while the golden haired baby was screaming.

At that moment Bellatrix saw her Lord in a baby state, malleable, weak, and vulnerable. "My lord", she said in response. 

The snake grape him around her, making a circle, then disappearing. Bellatrix hears foots step, running and she sees the baby with the golden brown haired it was crying . She takes it, and she disappears. Leaving alone his fraternal twin alone crying aside the body of his dead mother.  


An old man wearing a long blue dress and hat with a long white beard was walking down the street when an old woman appeared in his path.

"Miss McGonagall" he look at her and saw sadness in her eyes. The dead of the family Potter have been a discrease, for the wizard world. 

"Miss McGonagall," he spoke to her and saw sadness in her eyes. The death of the family Potter has been a great sadness for the wizarding world.

" He will kill them" she said 

"That why we have to hide them" said Dumbledore

"Profesor Dumbuldore, When they know the trust, what if they find him?"" said McGonagall asked.

"Finally!" he said as he stared up at the tall, bearded man who was about to deliver a baby boy, McGonagall. Dumbledore wondered where the fraternal twins were, but did not see them.

McGonagall affirmed "He has his mother's eyes.", Hagrid smile at them.

Dumbledore asked, "Where is his Henry?" Hagrid lowered his head.

The words "Hagrid" came from Dumbledore, Mcgadoll close her eyes, held Harry close to her.

"He was the only bady there. The little one was not there when I arrived. I went to the right place, but that one was not there" said Hagrid.

"What are we going to do, Dumbledore?" McDonagall asked worried, walking behind Dumbledore to the house.

As Dumbludore stopped in front of 4 privet drive where Harry aunt Petunia lives "We have to protect Harry right now, he gping to be save with his aunt. We have to find his twin brother before something bad happens to him" said Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, what we are going to do with Henry, how we are going to find him?" ask Hagrid 

"When he grow up, we will ear about him, we will find him and we will keep him safe" said Dumbledore, The both look a McGonagall let the bady infront of the door, they touch the door bell and they disappear. Hagrid walk to the Castle of hogwart beside Dumbuldore.


In a Lenstrage Castle

Bellatrix appear in her garden and the baby was till crying. Her doors open alone and she see her sister inside the house. Narcisa saw her with a baby in her hand.

"It is true" said her sister and Bellatrix look at her. See Lucius coming, from the shadows.

"What true?" she said and hiding the bady face from them.

"Bellatrix, were is Voldemort?" said Lucius and she smile.

"It true, he gone?" said her sister.

"It not gone, not yet, Nagiri take him away, he was there I see him" said Bellatrix.

"The baby" said Narcisa, Bellatrix step back.

"If we have him, the profesy will never come true, if they never meet, the dark lord will reins" she said and Lucius, look at her and stand infront of her.

" Give the baby back, the dark lord have gone forever we have lost"

"You are going to give up"

"I'm making my own xestión to give my children a better future, the dark lord have gone, Period" he said and Bellatrix laugh.

"You think he gone,but he don't, and he will thank me for having this child with me"

"Bellatrix" said her sister.

"No, I will raise this child, will make him the most  terrible and wicked wizard" she said and Lucius.

"I'm not going to fight anymore" he walk to the door and Narcisa look at her sister.

"Can I look at him" said Narcissa and she look at the young boy, "he have his mother eyes" said Narcisa and Lucius look at her.

"We have to go" said Lucius and she walk and look at her sister.

"Bellatrix, he such a baby" she said and Bellatrix smile.

"He will be fine" she said and look at the baby and saw the scar, letting a scar in his right eyes a lightnings. The baby fell asleep. Bellatrix look at him.

"You are going to regret, the day you were born child" she said and laugh, her laughing was making a eco in the mansion, the ghost star to move side to side.

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