New York

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New York 5 years later

Henry knows have grown a little bit, he has short hair, ear piercing, and white shirt with black pants, a jean jacket and white Nike shoes. It was 11 clocks of night, he was supposed to be already at home, but as he runs away from a gang that he such win all the money playing basketball.

"Get him, " shout one of the boys, Henry was running away, he knows very clearly he can't use magic, but he sees no other way to get them out of his way without using it.

He curses and make a transparent wall between them, the boys fell down. Henry stop and laugh, run away to his house.

"Better run freak" scream one of them will Henry mack them walk away.

As he count the money, walking normally, one of the boy band grape him, hit him."Give our money" the band came and star to bully him.

"No," said Henry, the other boy appears and hit him. The boy grape the money that Henry earns fairly.

"Did you think your magic will save you" one of the boys exclaim, while they hit him. A deep voice inside of Henry was quiet for long time star to whisper, revenge, torture them. Henry has a vision and he sees a big snake coming towards him and pass next to him. He sees a man holding a baby. The ugly man with big tooth stare at him, while he hold a ugly0 baby. It look really sick, white as snow, he doesn't have a noise and he has red eyes.

"We have found you Henry, your time is up" exclaim Voldemort, as his voice, resound like a snake. Henry wakes up from the vision when he feels the big snake attack him. He was breathing heavy as he was on the floor bleeding and he stands up, hold the pain, he fell his scar hurt slot, touch it and sees it bleeding while he walk away home.

There was a man in the bar who look everything that such happen. he sees the picture. He has founded the boy they have been searching for a long time. They found him at the perfect moment, to bring the dark lord again.

Two blocks away, Henry claims the stairs from the back of his building. He opens slowly is window and walk in carefully. He take his shoes and walk really, slow, so no one can ear him.

"We said 9 of clock, you are 3 hours late"her voice make him freeze, he didnt expect her to be there.

"Turn around" she said and see his face bleeding. She get worry and mad.

"Henry, what happen" exclaim worry, goes to check him "Basketball, that all" he move his face away.

"What did I said about basketball and money" she said really mad.

"What the fuck him going to do if they don't know how to lose" he said and she get really mad. Adam appears in the living room and they both can ear him cursing.

"Manage your Language, Han" she said really piss off.

" Let not be overdramatic" said Henry

"Henry" said Alan and Wanda got more furious.

"Don't answers like that, Henry, is almost 12 of clock, you came hurt, bleeding"exclaim Alan furios, Henry rolls is eyes, Wanda see his scar bleeding.

" Do see what time it is"exclaim alan will Wanda step between them, look at her husband.

"that all Adam, times pass, I forgot" he said and Adam look at him see he have being doing something more than basketball.

"smoke, I can smell the weed, Henry" said Adam and Wanda stand between them.

"Why you are overprotective"

"Because they are People out there looking for you" he said and there is a Silence.

Henry Potter : the knight FiveWhere stories live. Discover now