Fresh out of the nest

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"Ms. Fletcher? Would you mind? People are still taking the test." Mr.F said with a hint of anger.

"Yes sir," I respond *note the sarcasm*.

"That's it! Get out! Now!" He shouted. Damn, this bitch gets on my nerves.

"Gladly!" I shouted back while laughing.

As was about to walk out of the classroom, I felt a hand grab my wrist.

" I'm definitely letting your mother know about this incident." His grip got tighter. I grabbed his hand and twisted it a little, but just enough to make him whine a bit.

"Correction. Our mom." I let go of his hand and walked out.

Erin Fletcher, my annoying older brother. I wish he'd just go back to New York. Instead of doing that, he came down here to Maryland. He and our dad moved away from my mother and me when I was only four. Over time, I have begun to understand why. I am not my father's child. I'm the reason for my parents' separation, or as many call it, divorce. I have no clue where my real father is, and I really don't care. Mom and I have been fine without him. 

Just yesterday, Erin and his dad came back home barking orders. Now I'm now allowed to do the following:

- hangout with friends

- stay after school

-join or be in any clubs

- get anything below an A (as if I would ever do that)

- have friends

- have a boyfriend

Stupid rules really. 

That's why I'm staying at a friends house for the time being. Mom left for a "business trip" as soon as she found out they were coming back. Lucky. I had to climb out of my window which is on the third floor. 

"Alicia? Are you even listening to me?" This is Jen, short of Jennifer. She's been my friend since sixth grade, Ms. Windsor's fourth block class.

" Yes, Jen. I'm listening to you rant about how your boyfriend always leaves you for his friends on the lacrosse team." I was actually not paying attention at all. Suddenly Jen starts crying.

"I just *sob* want him to *sob* pay attention to * sob sob* MEEEEEEEEE." 

I ended up becoming a pillow for her. 

'"It's ok Jen, maybe in the summer things will change. Anyways, let us change the topic. What are we going to do about formal?"  Our eighth grade formal is in two weeks and we still don't have dresses.

"First of all, we need to find you a date. You can't go alone." Just as the words left her mouth, her brother Matthew came in. 

"Mom said lights out. We have a big day tomorrow." 

"Ok, goodnight. Also next time you could knock." Jen replied

"MATTHEW! OWEN AND LEON ARE HERE!" Their mom yelled from downstairs.

"OK, MOM! THEY CAN COME UP." Matthew yelled downstairs. Seconds later, two boys appeared behind him. 

"OWEN!" Jen yelled running towards the door.

"Hey babe," Owen says with a big smile on his face while picking Jen up in his arms. They are too cute together. They were about to kiss but Matthew had to ruin it.

"Ok kids. Keep it PG, please. There is a baby right there." He said as he pointed to me.

"HEY! F.Y.I. , Leon and I were born on the same day." If I'm going down, I'm bringing someone with me.

"Why bring me into this love?" Leon asked.

"Why not?" I replied. 

This is how we start our story. With an innocent girl about to go to high school. That girl will affect many lives. Maybe she'll even change the world. Or not. Only I and a certain about of people know the truth. This is because I am that girl.

My name is Alicia Fletcher. Welcome to West Point. I hope you intend to stay.

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