Million sub special

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-Emily's POV-
The next morning I wake up in some familiar arms. I look up to see Alex peacefully sleeping. I'm his. He's all mine.
I smile and lay there a few more minutes in silence, taking in the moment.
I check my phone and it's noon. Wow we stayed up late. I pull out my laptop while Alex is still sleeping.
I was about to get up and go make some lunch when Alex woke up.
"Good morning sunshine." I smile.
"Uuggghhhh my head." He whines.
I get up and go get some water and aspirin. I bring it back and he thanks me. I go into the kitchen and make some grilled cheeses for everyone. At this point Alex and I were the only ones awake. In my process of making lunch alex comes out and sits at the table checking his phone.
"Would you like a grilled cheese?" I ask.
"Extra cheese?" He smiles.
"Of course." I laugh.
I continue making some grilled cheeses while George and Beth come out of my room. I give George a confused look as he takes some aspirin.
"Hey before you ask, I thought I would give will my room, so it wouldn't be as weird, and since you and Alex were probably banging all night, I didn't think you'd mind" He states.
"Oh yeah totally." I scoff.
I plate all 4 of us our grilled cheese, Alex's with extra cheese and bring them over to where everyone is sitting. We all sit and enjoy our sandwiches. And not too long later, will and Natalie come out.
"Aw you're eating without us!" Will whines.

It's now after lunch, and I take a quick shower and throw on some leggings and my new merch in the yellow hoodie.
"Alex it's nearly 2:30 we need to start filming!" I shout barging in his room only to find him already started without me.
"Oh. Uh. I just wanted to get a head start." He stutters.
"Oh. Well this is weird. Uh, I'm gonna just, go do my part, and um, text me when you're ready! Edit that bit out!" I say walking out.
I go back in my room, and I take this time to do my makeup and make my hair look nice.
"Hello everyone! It's Emily here and today is a very special video. As you all know, I just recently hit 1 million subs. And I obviously couldn't have done with without you. So I wanted to do something you give back to all of you. And I made some merch! The first item I have is this yellow hoodie, and it has a little cartoon sun, with some sunnies on. And this also comes in black. And then I have a few different t shirts here. "
I'm so proud of everything I've come up with. And I really hope everyone enjoys these too.
"And for the next week, I have a discount code, it's emily20 to get 20% off!" I smile. "And since this is my video for my 1 million, Alex and I decided to collab! And we're going to let you guys decide what we do!"
I finish up my thank yous and shut the camera off. Now what?
"Hey em, sorry I just wanted to get the important stuff out of the way." Alex says, plopping down on my bed
"It's alright, I just finished that up too, so what are your plans for this big video?" I ask.
"Well I put something on my Instagram, asking them what they'd like to see from us." He smiles.
"And?" I ask.
"Well loads of people asked some questions, a lot want a carpool karaoke, to get a feel on what we listen to, some said a mukbang, and then some said we should play some video games or play a prank on George and will. " he explains.
"Well, we should do all of that." I laugh. "I mean obviously, do some on my video and then the others on yours."
"Alright so, which ones do you want to do on yours?" He asks.
"Hmmm, id like the carpool karaoke, and then while we're driving, we could answer some questions, and then get some food and eat in the car as well. " I suggest.
"That works! And then we can play video games on my channel, and prank the boys." He smiles.
"Yay I'm so excited! What do you want to do first?" I ask.
"We should do your part first, and then when we're driving we can get supplies to prank the boys." He said. "I'm going to put on my Twitter for them to ask us stuff. "
I pull out my phone and do the same thing.
"Um, what should we do about us.." he says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Like, do we want to tell people?" He replies.
"I think it should stay between us for a bit." I smile, placing my hand over his. "I don't know if I want it to be public for a while. "
"I understand. And yeah, it'll be nice to just have it between the two of us for a bit." He smiles.
"Sounds like a plan." I say, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Alright so I'm going to actually do the video portion in the next chapter, because if I wrote it in this one all together the chapter would drag on. But enjoy! :)

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