12: Anyone But You

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Ok so if any of you think you know Andy's secret, message me and I will tell you if you're right. And please please please check out my bffl's twistedlove5683 and younglove28... And on with the chapter!! :)


Chapter 12

What could Andy's secret be?? Has he murdered somebody? Back then we were together I'd thought he'd slept with someone else but now I didn't know what to think.

Right now I wasn't worrying about that now. Mom was in surgery and I was stuck in school. Luckily the bell rang in 5 minutes

I was stuck here with my stupid english teacher going on about the use of a comma. The clock ticked by slowly. Why is that when you want time to go fast, it goes agonizingly slow?

I groan and put my face into my hands. Andy pokes me from the seat next to me.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" he asks quietly.

"This isn't England, smart one," I say, "And right now my mom's is surgery and I can't help but worry."

"Worry wart," he sing-songs.

I smack him and finally the bell rings. I run out of the classroom. The hospital wasn't far and I drive as quick as I can without breaking the law. As soon as I get there, the receptionist there looked bored.

"Mandy Willows," I said breathlessly.

"Room 314," she says bored.

I go there and find my mom there, already out of surgery.

"MOM!" I shout.

Nurses looked into our room and at me crazily. I didn't care. I run towards her and hug her fiercly.

"You'd think I died," she chuckles.

I lean back. "Well, it was my prom night and it scared the crap out of me."

 "Well," she sighed and I sat down. "I'm getting out today so I'll be home later. Go take care of Lucy."

I nod and head out. I drive home and Lucy was watching TV.

"Are you done with your homework?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah."

"What're watching?" I ask, going into the kitchen.

"Spongebob," she replies.

"Are you hungry?" I question. "I'm making some noodles, chicken, and veggies, with Yoshida sauce."

Lucy loved Yoshida sauce. "YES!"

I smile and begin to make the food. When I was done, I plated when I heard the lock click from the front door. Mom.

"Lucy, why don't you open the door?" I said, smiling.

She does and screams when she sees our mom. Lucy hugs her fiercly. I do too and she kisses both our heads.

"My girls," she whispers.

We eat dinner together and laugh like we used to. The doorbell rings and I answer it. Kendra.

"Hey," she said, her voice shaky. "Can you come from a walk?"

I turn and my mom nods. I grab my coat and go with her.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Hunter broke up with me," she sniffs.

"Oh my gosh," I whisper. I hug her. "He doesn't deserve you, Ken."

"I loved him."

"I know," I said. "You deserve better."

We walk, not saying anything but I feel this is as close as we can be. Sometimes words aren't needed.


I know it's short but you guys needed an update ;) love to all fans. fan vote comment yada


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