14: Anyone But You

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Chapter 14

I wake up and blink. Andy's arm was still around me and his breath was warm on the back of my neck. I smile and snuggle closer to him.

"Comfy?" he whispers.

"Maybe," I said. "I don't think I'm getting up and you're not getting your bed back."

He laughs. "I need it back though, Willow."

A warm shudder went through me as he called me by my old nickname. Willow.

"I miss you calling me that," I tell him.

"I miss you, Willow," he said.

I sigh and sit up. "Andy..."

"I'm sorry," he said. "That was out of line."

"Yeah," I sigh. "It was. I just can't take this. I need to trust you before..."

"Before we can get back together," he finishes.


"Well, I should go home," he said. "My mom is probably wondering where I am."


I get up and wash my face. I hate loving someone. It's so painful. I get my stuff and leave. Maybe I'll give up and give in? I shake my head and sigh.

I walk home and once I get close enough I see Lucy on the porch reading a book.

"Hey," I said.

She looks up, puts a bookmark in and sets down the book. "Hiya, what's happening?"

"Nothin' much," I say.

I go inside and to my room. Dumping my stuff on my bed, I sit down. I sigh. But as I look up, something catches my eye. It was a picture of me and Andy as kids. We were in a meadow. So peaceful. As kids, you don't have to worry about anything. Your life is so care-free.

But when you get older, your life gets a lot more complicated. A lot. Like falling in love and having trouble being yourself, troubles. It's hard being a teenager. Especially the falling in love part....

My phone rings and I try to find where it's coming from. I unzip my bag and find it. The text ID says Kendra.

"Hey, Mel," she texted. "What happened to you last night?"

"A lot," I replied. "Can I come over?"

"Sure," she said.

I hang up and start to head over to Kendra's. It was across the street so it wasn't far. Kendra opened the door and we hug.

"Come inside," she said.

We go to her room and sit down on her bed. "What happened?" she demanded.

"Andy found me kissing a bartender," I said, wincing.

I remembered Will. Hot, maybe, but a flirt, totally. What was I thinking? Beer and me? Do not mix... I sigh.

"Wow," she said.

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