Moving east

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I tripped over my last box trying to get all of my stuff to the car

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I tripped over my last box trying to get all of my stuff to the car.. moving really isn't as fun as it seems. I'm finally moving out of my parents house. I've wanted to move but i didn't have enough money to do so.

"come on Ari we don't have all day." my mom says as I was looking at the picture frames on the walls. I'm gonna miss this place like crazy.

We arrive at the airport an hour later, my moms getting a truck to move the rest of my things. I hug her & my little brother goodbye while also wiping the tears from my moms eyes. My mom lost my dad a few years back & ever since then we haven't really left her side. My flight finally gets called which forced my mom to let me go. I waved goodbye & got on my flight. I sit by the window and slowly fall asleep listening to girls need love by summer walker.

As 9 hours go by the lady on the intercom says, "flight 508 is now landing" which woke me up.

My uber arrived a few minutes later and drove me to my new apartment in Baltimore Maryland. My new apartment is actually really nice considering it's location, there's 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a big living room/kitchen area. Also since i took my one year break before starting college, i'll be attending the university of Baltimore next Monday (it's friday). My bed, dresser, & all of my things that can't fit in a car got shipped here about a month ago when me & my mom visited the apartment to take a look. Since my bed was already here, i fell right asleep.
I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door, i expected it to be the delivery people but it was a girl who looked around my age. I guess she could tell how confused i was by the look on my face,

"hey.. i don't mean to bother you but i live next door & i just wanted to say hello before i left out for the day" she said with a smile on her face.

"aw hey, my names ari, you?"

"Brianna, but i gotta get to class, i'm almost late!" she said before running down the steps.

I shut the door then went to go sit down on the couch then heard another knock. This time it was actually who i was expecting

"Ari? I have your boxes." The delivery man said as i followed him out the door. He helped me bring everything in, which was A LOT.
I started with the living room because that's where my guests will be most of the time, i have a grey theme.

  After decorating my house all day, it was around 6pm and i was getting hungry so i went to mcdonald's down the street

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After decorating my house all day, it was around 6pm and i was getting hungry so i went to mcdonald's down the street. As soon as i walked in i ran right into Brianna,

"omg, hey Brianna i'm so sorry" i said and she laughed.

"Hey! it's cool, wanna sit with me?" she asked as i nodded. After i got my food we sat down together at a booth asking each other questions about ourselves.

"Okay so we're both 19 & you're about to go to the same school as me.. a new bestfriend? i think yes" she said laughing & i laughed along.

I found out she had a brother who's a rapper so that's pretty cool.. & she also offered to help me move more stuff in tomorrow.

After my little dinner break, i got back to setting up my bedroom, all i had left to do was the kitchen but i'll have Brianna help with that tomorrow.

I followed her instagram & started looking through her pictures when i seen this fine ass light skin, i got hype as shit when i seen that he was her brother because sheeeesh he could get it. I follow him too.. and stalk him a little.

I then set my phone down & connect my phone to the speaker playing Lil Tjay while i get in the shower. I rap along to the song while washing my body. I don't know why i've been so tired lately but as soon as i got out of the shower i went right to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm blaring at 10am. I jump up realizing i have 30 minutes to get ready before Brianna comes.

I was kinda bumming it today since i was only decorating. i picked out a cute orange top, black shorts & some slides. I then go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, hair, & do my makeup.

around 10:45 I hear a knock on my door & i open it to see brianna. She hugs me & just stares blankly at my apartment.

"your apartment is so fucking cute wtf, i might have to call you over to decorate mine"

i laugh & thank her. i let her connect her phone to my speaker since she said she wanted to play one of her brothers songs.

As she turns the song on i immediately start getting into it, this shit is fireeee as fuck. She catches me bobbing my head,

"you like it?" she asks

"hell yea, he's definitely talented"

we then start decorating the kitchen which also goes along with my grey living room theme.

After decorating, around 1 we sat down on the couch & talked for a little.

"okay so my brothers first sold out show is this friday & you should definitely come with me"

"how am i supposed to get in if it's sold out?" i ask with the stupidest look on my face.

"he's my brother ari, i get in for free so i gotchu" she says with a laugh, here i was dumbfounded & forgot he was even her brother.

"also, i told him bout you. & he said you was cute, you peeped how he followed you back on instagram?" she asked.

"shit, nah i ain't see it. but oop, he cute too" i said before hugging her on her way out, "text me!" i said before closing the door.

Brianna 🥵💜: Okay so tomorrow you start school.. i can take you with me in the morning if you want and show you around a bit?

Ari 🙃💜: Ight that sounds good, thank you again.

Brianna 🥵💜: No problem lol.

I plug my phone back into the speaker & start playing more of izzy's song, i don't really wanna go to the concert and not know any songs at all.

I always pay attention to the lyrics of songs, it says a lot about the person singing or rapping them. I can tell izzy ain't have it as easy as i did. I like rappers that actually went through shit besides them fake flexers & shit.

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