1. Intro to U.N.D

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'Why should I trust you?' I asked "Here ask your parents, they will verify that every word we say is true" Said the woman. I took the phone and quickly dialed in their house number. “Hello this is Hannah speaking" Said my mum "Hi Mum'  "Hi darling, Have you found Mia and Max?" "No, Is Dad in the room?. I need to talk to you guys" "Yes here he Is" " Hi Diamond “Said Dad "Listen a man and a woman I don't know says that they are from the U.N.D other whys known as U.N.D.er. and that they say that they can rescue the twins" "Diamond" said dad “Can you give the phone to the guy' I was surprised that my dad wanted to talk to the guy but I handed the Blackberry over to the guy and said “Here my dad wants to talk to you" While my dad and the guy talked I studied the girl and the guy that said that they could help her find Mia and Max. The guy was burly and tall, But Diamond had an idea that he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. The girl was tall and slender with a lovely shade of brown skin, she leaned against the cafe chair like a cat that sat purring. Then I asked the girl" What’s your name?" "Jazz" she answered saucily” And that dude over there is Adam"  'Thanks" I murmured. Adam gave the phone to me "Diamond you can trust Adam and Jazz your mother and I used to work for the U.N.D Just try not to get into trouble" Said her Dad "OK I won’t, Bye”. Then I turned to Jazz and Adam and said “What do I have to do?" Jazz answered "You have to come to our headquarters on the Kerguelen Islands, its near Antarctica" she answered with irritation in her voice "So basically I have to go to a place I have never been with two people I have never met." I stated "Yes now come we are going to miss our plane" Said Jazz with irritation in her voice. When they were in the car I asked "So what exactly does the U.N.D do?" Adam answered “That is classified info that you will receive upon arrival, did I say that right Jazz?" said Adam "Yes, You did for once,punk" said Jazz "How old are you guys?" Asked Diamond "We aren't playing 20 questions, Shut up" Said Jazz turning towards the window "I am 17" he whispered " And she is 18, How about you?"  "I am fourteen" I whispered "but my IQ is that of a sixteen year old" After that they were silent. At the airplane strip Adam explained to Diamond that they have their own private plane because normal airways don't fly to the headquarters, "I know I have a A+ in geography, How long will the flight take?"I asked  he answered "About two hours" I looked nervously at the small plane that we are going to fly on, It looked as if it had been fixed up at least 10 times and had 9 paint jobs done. About half an hour later I sat in between Jazz and Adam. They were fighting about who was going to introduce me to who they called "The boss". While they were fighting I thought about the events of this day, It started out like any other day waking up at exactly 06:05 while I was eating my cornflake’s with almond milk and honey I asked my mum were the twins was she answered probable still sleeping, just then the bus came. when I was in break my mum called saying " we can't find Mia and Max! when you’re done with school come directly home okay?, when I was done with school I missed the bus so I started walking home since I didn't want to bother my parents. After a while I noticed that a man and a woman aka Jazz and Adam so I turned around and said "Why are you following me " then Jazz (I didn't know at the time it was her name) said " we can find Mia and Max' and so I said "Why should I trust you?". After a while they decided that they would introduce me to the "big boss” together. I asked them “Are you guys related or something? Because you make me think of Mia and Max" "Oh hell no! we are not related!' said Jazz angrily "Why are you angry at me? Because in my knowledge I have done nothing to offend you" I asked " Well ain't that just dandy, You offend me because you are all smarty pants while everyone in this plane knows something you don't, Now shut up" said Jazz After that jab to my intelligence, I shut up. When we were above the island I looked down, The view was amazing! You could see the entire island from here, The place we were heading for was a cove with montains surronding the sides so that you could only get there by plane or boat, Inside the cove there was four small cabins in the shape of a x (each cabin at one point) and a big cabin in the middle that there was a landing field in front of it. When we landed on the island a jolly looking lady greeted us and said " Jazz, Adam your cabin master wants to speak to you I am so  sorry I know you wanted to introduce her, I will take Diamond to the boss" Jazz and Adam pouted but they obeyed the tall prim lady without protest. Then she turned to me and said “Come, my name is Dorothy. I know yours so don't bother telling me" then she turned towards the big cabin and motioned to me to follow her. when we were inside I caught my breath it was all high Tec and modern not at all like the classic cabin decor I was expecting, I must have stood staring a bit longer than I realized because Dorothy said " I know quite a shock isn't it? It took me a while to process to, But can you please hurry up the boss doesn’t like to be kept waiting" so I turned and followed her to the elevator to my surprise there was way more buttons that the building seemed to be able to have! Dorothy pressed the 30th floor button, after that she turned to me and giggled at my obvious confusion with the buttons since from the air it looked as if there was at most two floors and said " Most of these floors are below ground, even though I understand your confusion" then I turned to her and said " I was told that I would be told on arrival about the workings of the U.N.Der" I said hoping that I didn't come off as rude " So rude, What is this generation coming to! The boss will tell you everything" she said “I am sorry I didn't mean to be rude I am just a very curios person and I don't like not knowing something that affects me” I said "I can appreciate curiosity, But still". Just then the elevator doors opened, Cutting Dorothy of in the middle of her sentence. In front of me was a big lab that made me exited just looking at it! At the end of the lab there was a white metallic door. Dorothy began walking towards it. As we passed the experiments I caught glimpse of experiments that could change the world(If they worked)! What would I do to be left alone to experiment to my heart’s content! When we reached the door Dorothy knocked 3 times there was a prim female voice that said "Come in" so they did, Inside the room it was very high Tec and modern in fact I thought it might be a set for a sci-fi film! And the person inside the room fit in perfectly with the surroundings, She was tall and slender, her strawberry blond hair was in a ponytail, her green eyes mirroring my own was analyzing everything she saw and then she said " Welcome Diamond to the headquarters of the U.N.D I hope you like it here, Now sit" she motioned towards a light blue chair. I obeyed her mostly because her tone of voice made you feel as if she is the superior one and everyone in the room should listen to her. Then she sat on a couch and motioned for Dorothy to leave the room, she did then she turned to me and said " Well I guess you want to know what the heck is going on, Basically there are two alternate realms one of them contains all the good in the world it is called Utopia  and the other one contains all the bad it is called the Dystopia . This realm is a combination of both of them we call it Normal. There are some things that has the same bad and good percentage, We can use them to travel between realms. Now the people that live in one of those two realms sometimes get their idea of Utopia and Dystopia switched and that can badly affect our relm, So the U.N.Der transports them to the prison in Dystopia, Now onto the part that affects you, Sometimes someone in ether Dystopia or Normal get the idea in there head to steal things from Utopia to sell in Normal or sometimes even Dystopia, Sometimes people became power hungry because imagine to have control over what is good and what is bad but with that power disorder  will come, At this moment we are facing someone called the General who wants complete power over all realms, We believe that he has captured your twin siblings"  I smiled and said " Why should I believe you I mean for all that I know this could all be an elaborate prank" then Nancy gave me look that made me feel like i was a child who knew nothing that of cores made me angry so I said without a second thought " I would believe you if I had proof'" then she smiled as if she had won a battle and said " In Dystopia there in a object that has no good propriety's and in Utopia there is one that has no bad properties, we have never taken a photo of the bad one but here is a photo of the good one" she handed me a photo on it was a object that was all your favorite things rolled up in one! I said "Okay I believe you, I have a few questions though, May I ask them?' she said "No, your cabin master will answer them, Tell Dorothy to take you to your cabin. Goodbye" So I walked out of the room a bit shaken, outside Dorothy was waiting for me she asked “Is your curiosity quenched Diamond?" I answered “No, for one what is the deal with the cabins? Because she said you have to take me to my cabin" Dorothy said” The deal with cabins is the agents that work for us stay there in between missions. Cabin one is for people between 12 and 18, Cabin two is for people between 18 and 24, Cabin three is for people between 24 and 30, Cabin four is for people 30 and up. Each cabin have a cabin master" Dorothy said and started walking towards the elevator motioning to me to follow her, When we were outside she start walking towards the cabin at the upper left corner. When we arrived Dorothy knocked after waiting a while a girl of about 18 answered the door when she saw Dorothy and me she said “Well about time Jazz and Adam told me to get a bunk ready for you! Come in! Dorothy you can go I will take care of her" then she took my hand, closed the door and started walking down the corridor. At either side of the corridor was numbered a door. When we got to the door that was numbered 15 then she turned to me and said " I am the cabin master, This is your room, You are sharing with three other people of your own age, We are short on space" then she gave me a a ring with two keys and a piece of paper and said "The paper is a map of the cabin, All the cabins have the same floor plan, The blue painted key is your room key and the red painted key is the cabin key" Just then she got a message on her phone she said " Got to go apparently the cook needs help, I will see you later" then she hurried off. Inside the room there were two sets of bunk beds at the foot of both there was a chest which I assumed was used to store personal items/clothes. On one of them a blonde girl was lying lazyly on the top bunk and painting her nails on the other one top bunk was occupied by a boy playing on a psp and on the bottom bunk a boy was lying down and sketching what appeared to be a mountain range he sat up and said " Hi you must be Diamond, The cabin master told us to expect you! Sorry but your bed is underneath Briana's. Didn't you bring anything with you?!"  “No I didn’t I was bought here unexpectedly, What is your name?” I said as I moved towards the bottom bunk he answered “Michel, On the dude up there is James.” Then Briana said “ Do you want me to paint your nails? I have got all the colors in the Katy Perry collection” I answered “ No, I don’t see the point in painting ones nails” Briana looked wounded as she said “ But doll it’s the Katy Perry collection!” I peered over and looked at the colors, they were all pastel colors that I didn’t like, Taking my silence as defeat Briana said “ I have the perfect color for your skin tone” and began looking for the color, I looked at Michel mentally asking for help, He said “Brianna, Diamond just discovered that our universe isn’t the only one out there, Been on a plane trip and she said she doesn’t like nail polish, I am not trying to be mean but could you please leave her alone?”  Brianna looked horrified then she said something that caught me of guard “Oh you poor thing I am so sorry! You must be exhausted! And with lots of questions, I assume”

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