Leaving Part 5

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One thing Jason had been doing was avoiding telling his family. He did not want to deal with their reaction. Yet at the same time, he wanted Rose to meet them. No doubt they would eventually come to love her and most likely spoil her.

He decided to call the one person he trusted most first: Alfred. Roy gave him space that night. Jason went onto the fire escape and called the number he knew by heart.

"Wayne Manor, Alfred speaking." Came the butlers familiar voice.

"Hello Alfie, it's Jason."

"Evening Master Jason. I hope you have a good reason for not keeping contact for over a month."

"I do, ummm are you the only one around."

"Yes sir."

"Okay you might need to sit down."

"Is something the matter Master Todd?"

"Do you remember Y/N? From when I was robin and would bring her cookies."

"Ah yes. Lovely girl. What ever happened to her."

"It is kind of a long story, but I ran into after I came back as Red Hood.We got together, I got stupid and left. Turns out we had a kid together. She is three and her name is Rose Todd."

The other end remained silent. Jason was worried. Silence was never good."

"Alfred? Alfred?" More silence.

Finally a response.

"I am here Master Jason. Did I hear you correctly."

"Yes I have a daughter. Hold on I can send you a picture. Do you have your cell near you? There just sent it. Did you get it?"

"Yes sir." Alfred replied. "She looks like you. Now you better not be asking me to tell Master Bruce."

"Kind of hoping you would."

"I believe this will be one that you will tell him yourself."

Jason huffed. The rest of the time was spent talking about Rose and best way to break it to the family. Alfred knew Jason would be one to tell Bruce and then leave, avoiding any response. Soon Alfred heard the batmobile and advise Jason to do it soon.

Jason left Star City for the first time in a month to go talk to his family. It killed him to leave Rose, but he promised her that he would be back. Y/N shook her head and said he better be. He promised to call her and let her know when to come to Gotham. Part of him was hoping she would move back so he could see Rose more.

It was about patrol time when Jason arrived at the manor. Alfred greeted him at the door with a giant hug. As promised, Jason gave him a picture of Rose and her mother. After a brief catch up, they headed towards the cave.

"Lucky for you sir, the whole family is present." Alfred said while heading towards the grandfather clock.

"And want to know where I get my sass from."

Alfred gestured towards the stairs. Jason mumbled under his breath about going to his second funeral. A look from Alfred shut him up.

Jason never thought the cave intimating until now. Everyone was gathered around the batcomputer. It wasn't even an Arkham breakout. Fate was not his friend yet again. His strategy of telling one and letting the rumor mill do the rest was out of the picture. He still was thinking of plan when Dick noticed him.

"Little Wing! Why didn't you say you were coming." Dick yelled while almost skipping towards him.

"Maybe I was busy."

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