Leaving Part 6

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Y/N was able to find a job at a diner near the townhouse. They got to work on decorating Rose's room in the princess theme she wanted.. The two soon found themselves settling into a routine. Rose was excited to have both her parents around.

Jason went back to patrolling. He would sometimes be gone for awhile on a mission with Roy or Kori, but they didn't last as long as before. Bruce noticed he was less reckless. If he got too tussled up at night, he would head to the cave or another siblings place to patch up. He didn't want his daughter waking up to see her dad bleeding out. Someone would always make sure to let Y/N know he was okay.

One night after a rough patrol, Jason came home to finding Y/N waiting up for him. She was still in her work uniform. Cass had been watching Rose in the short time between her getting off and Jason leaving for patrol.

He had stopped a few thugs bugging some street girls. Right as he was heading out, he noticed two kids hiding behind a dumpster. His heart ached as it reminded him of when he and Y/N were young. He went to grab them food. They took it and ran, no doubt trying to leave before the police came to get the thugs.

The kids stuck with him the rest of the night He just kept seeing Y/N and him. He remember one time he stole some food and two candles. It was meant to light up the creepy room. They made jokes about it being a fancy date, after all he managed to get hot sandwiches, chips, and cookies. Now here they were with a kid and he never took her out.

Coming home to her waiting up just made him feel even worse. He was nothing but shit to her before and yet she is willing to give him a second chance. He thought it was time to prove that he had change.

"How was patrol." She asked while setting down her book.

"Let's go on a date."

"Okay that is random."

"Why. I was thinking, we have known each other for a long time. Hell we have a kid together, yet never went on a date. Anyone of my siblings will watch Rose and the bat himself would as well. You complain that you wanted an excuse to dress up anyways." He said. Part of him was scared she would turn him down. After all, they had been tip toeing around their feelings since coming back to Gotham.

"What would I wear. I own no dresses."

Jason couldn't contain his excitement and went to hug her while lifting her up. She started laughing as he finally put her down.

"I am sure either Stephanie or Cass might have a dress you can borrow." He said.

They spent the rest of the night talking. Jason wouldn't give any hints on where he wanted to take her. SHe had fun trying to get him to give some hint away. That night she fell asleep on his shoulder. Rose came running in that morning demanding pancakes.

To no one's surprise, the whole family offered to watched Rose on the night scheduled for their date. Y/N thought for sure she was going to have to break up a fight. In the end she suggested they do a movie night at the manor. Dick immediately got on board and insisted it be a Disney Marathon. Despite the groans from the rest of the family, they all came.

Bruce swung by after work, which he got out of early, to come pick Rose up. She insisted upon Jason packing her Cinderella pjs. Alfred had plenty of spare clothes for her there, but she wanted those pjs. Y/N laughed as Rose explained to Jason why she needed Cinderella pjs for watching Disney movies. Jason had yet to figure that there was no winning against a now four year old child.

After Rose left with Bruce, Jason went to work on some case items while Y/N went to get dress. For her it was hard to keep calm. She had been trying so hard to keep her feelings at bay. He had changed from back when she left him. Maybe fate was finally making up for lost time and allowing her happiness.

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