The Beginning

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"Here's your milkshake sweetie," said the lovely waitress.

"Thank you so much," I grabbed my milkshake, and chugged the whole thing.

"Laney, do you seriously have to leave tonight for the Bahamas??" Nora said frowning in my direction.

"Yeah, but I'm actually so excited! Like not excited that I'm leaving you-" Before I could finish the bell at the door rang, and Grant walked in.

"Guys hide me!" I said practically slouched down as far as I could. Grant is my "boyfriend". The thing is, I've always had a HUGE crush on him, and then he randomly started talking to me out of the blue. So It's been a little awkward.

"Hey guys," Grant was now standing by our table inching over the edge to see me.

"Oh, hey Grant, how ya doing?" said Molly. She was giving me wide eyes as she looked in my direction.

"Laney, you good down there?" Grant said chuckling to himself. Grant had gorgeous eyes. The color of the ocean and his body was amazing. I couldn't stop looking at him.

"Grant, hey! I'm sorry!" I said. My face flushed of all color, and I swear it looked as if I just died and came back.

"So, uhhhh... I know you're leaving for the Bahamas tonight, and I won't see you all summer, so I wanted to come and see you before you left." He said blushing a little.

"I think I might just hang out with my friends Grant, I haven't seen them in a while because of finals and all, you know?" I said feeling a little guilty that I had to use my friends as an excuse.

"Wait! No!" Nora said her hands up in the air as if she had just been arrested. "Lany It's totally fine, also you haven't seen Grant in the longest time ever, you guys should go do something before you leave," she said with a giant smile.

I agreed to go on a walk with Grant. We mostly talked about our plans for college and what we want to major in.

"So, you kinda want to be a doctor huh Grant?" I said picking at my fingernails as I walked carefully on the curb.

"Yeah haha. But I' not sure my dad would approve, ya know he wants me to be a lawyer and nothing else, but I don't want to be a lawyer, It seems so suffocating ya know?" He said checking me up and down.

"Yeah, I understand. My mom is a writer, and my dad works for this huge company, and it gets overwhelming when they are always gone, and when you have to set these really high expectation to make them proud." I said.

"Yeah but anyways-" He stopped and grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him, only inches from his gorgeous face. " I'm really going to miss you L, like I know it's been awkward and stuff, but I really care for you, and you're gorgeous, and I'm not sure how I'm going to survive summer without my second half," he said clenching his hands around my waist.

I looked at him and smiled," You know It's only for 4 weeks right Grant" I said laughing.

"Yeah, I know, It's just..." He grabbed my face and started kissing me. He pushed me up against a tree. I kissed him back, he was ferocious, and the thought of his tongue in my mouth made my face turn red as a tomato. I could smell his shampoo, it smelt like lemons. He smelt awfully amazing.

"Gant, I...I" He didn't let me finish when he grabbed my legs and lifted me up. He started kissing my neck, and all I could think about was, was this really right? He started to pull off my shirt, but I stopped him.

"Grant if we are going to do any more than making out, I at least want it to be special something to remember. Not the thought of having sex in the park by an oak tree" I said giggling and looking at him.

"Yeah L, Your right, I'm sorry," He said with an annoyed expression.

"I think I have to go, Grant. My brother is going to be withing for me, and I have to pack, can we facetime or text?" I said pulling my hair back int a tight bun.

"Yeah, text me when you're at your house in The Bahamas, I really need to face time you, and know your ok." He said giving me one last kiss.

It felt right, he was gorgeous, had an amazing body, and I've always like Grant, and I've always had this awfully large crush on him since 4th grade. But at that moment, I wasn't really sure what I wanted anymore.


As I got home, I packed up all my toiletry items, and brought my suitcase downstairs and plopped it by the door. Justin already had his stuff packed up, and he was eating chips and salsa while watching the bears game.

"Hey there L," He said smiling and offering me some chips.

I took some and just looked at them," Hey umm, Justin can I ask you a question?" I said staring at my chips.

"Yeah of course, what's up?" He said pausing the game. The thing was, Justin was such an amazing person to talk to, he always gave the best advice and I could always trust him with whatever I told him.

"What are your opinions on Grant?" I said looking him dead in the eye. He laughed a little and popped a chip int his mouth.

"Well L, I'm not really sure, his parents seem really nice, but I've heard some stuff about that kid before," He said looking at his watch.

"Wait, what bad thin-"I was interrupted by a time that was set by Justin in the kitchen.

"Oh, sorry L, can we talk about this later or something, we have to catch our flight right now," He grabbed our bags and headed out the door.

"yeah, sure.." I mumbled to myself and decided to turn off all the lights and meet him at the car.


Yay! My first part is done, I really hope you guys enjoy. if there re any grammatical errors please let me know, I wrote this very fast, and just befoe going to bed! Enjoy the next part!-Kat

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