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Shanon lifts her plate of roast beef, obviously heating it up more.

"Why do you have to make your food burning hot?" I ask her, stuffing another forkful of beef in my mouth.

"I need to feed my inner flame." she answers solemnly. We both stare at each other in silence before bursting into wild fits of giggles at this. Across the table, Kloe glares at us, envy flooding her bright blue eyes. She was  just like me. Blue eyes and platinum blonde. Just like the girl I chased in the forest 8 years ago. Only, I knew she wasn't the same girl, seeing that her features were a lot more different.

"Hey Kloe," I called at her. "Wanna join us?". She has been quite...well...solitary? She hardly chats to anyone during lunches, dinners, dances and other social events that occurs.

Kloe chooses to shake her head. As soon as I open my mouth to comfort her, she hastily stands up and she storms off through the sea of brunettes and brown eyed people. Of course she stood out tremendously. The noise of shouts and laughter continued to rumble, seeing that everyone was too joyful to notice one angry girl.

"I'll be back." I said as I followed Kloe's path.

She was obviously unhappy to see me follow her down the corridor.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were laughing with your stranger friends!". As she said this, tears slid down her cheeks. I raise my eyebrow.

"What? Bu-"

"Can't you see? We're not part of them! We're different! You just don't understand.". She slides down to the floor. She could probably see by my face that I wanted more information.

"You see, I came here a week before you.". I nod to show I'm listening. "I had a smile for 3 years. Everyone had fire powers. Even my friends. They told me that my  powers should come before my 10th birthday. Well, it was either that or I didn't know how to use 'em. But when it was the morning of my 10th birthday I woke up. I- I touched my bedpost and...and-"

"And what!?" I persisted.

"ICE! It was ice that started to spread! We don't belong here." she cried. The tears has began to rush out as she began to run down the corridor. I knew it was pointless to follow her again, so I returned to great hall. As I marched back, I thought about what she has told me. She was right. We stood out so much, we probably didn't even belong here.

As I sat back down, Shanon gave me a large smile but I didn't return it.

"You know what? I'm not that hungry." I mumbled. As I rose and walked off, I heard Shanon's disappointed voice.

"That's why you should never follow Kloe. Never follow Kloe."

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