Part 5

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Adonis in the mm

Aubree Watts
Berkeley, California
3:15 PM

"How was school" I said once Tyler got into the back seat as Chresanto got into the front seat

"It was good Mommy! We made Christmas cookies" Tyler said

"That's good. What do you want for dinner" I said

"Pasta" Tyler said

"Alright" I said pulling off and onto the road

Song on the car radio: Cardi b ft. Kehlani ring

"Mommy. When's Christmas" Tyler asked

"In 1 week" I said while I was driving as the music continued to play

Sandra Kendall-Harris
El Paso, Texas
2:15 PM

"Where do you think your going" Adonis said startling me as I approached the last step

"To pick up Aj—he has a dentist appointment at 3:15" I said

"Alright. Get back here after that dentist appointment or else. You hear me" Adonis said with base in his voice

"Yes" I said grabbing my keys and leaving the house

Aj's school🏫

"Hi I'm here to pick up Aj Kendall-Harris" I said

"You can just sign him out on this clipboard, he'll be down shortly" the front desk lady said

"Alright thank you" I said

10 minutes later

"Mommy!" Aj said running up and hugging my legs

"Hey baby, did you have fun" I said hugging him

"Yes. We made Christmas trees today—look" Aj said holding up the Christmas tree picture that he made

"It's beautiful. You can put it on the fridge when we get home" I said

"Home with dad" Aj said

I nodded my head in agreement, I can't leave Adonis—not like this. He loves me and sooner or later he'll change, taking me back to the first time when he hit me


"Because you never pay attention to me Adonis! I'm raising Aj by myself— your never here" I said screaming at him

I felt a hand go across my face making me fall to the ground and hold my cheek in fear. That was the same year that Aj had just turned 1 years old—4 days after his birthday

"Shut the hell up talking to me like that! You listen to me—I'm the one that's out here in these streets busting my ass tryna provide for you and Aj!" Adonis said

"Selling drugs isn't providing for us" I said above a whisper

"Speak up Sandra! You were always so quick to scream at that Micah nigga! Speak up now tell me how you really feel right now!" Adonis said

"I wanna leave Adonis! I don't wanna be with someone like you" I said

"Fuck you mean someone like me ain't no other nigga out here that's gonna want a bitch with some little ass boy! You lucky I want yo ass— that's my own blood right there. I'm telling you now your married to me! You belong to me! And if you ever think about leaving— that boy ain't going nowhere with you and I mean that shit. Now go clean yourself up" Adonis said exhaling the smoke from the blunt he had in his hand

⚡️Flashback Over⚡️



"Huh" I said snapping out of my thoughts

"You okay, you were crying" some guy said with a tissue in his hand

"Um yeah I'm fine" I said

"Aight. Well I'm Malik" Malik said smiling while holding his hand out

"Yeah, nice to meet you now I have to go or else my son is gonna be late for his dentist appointment" I said turning on my heels

"Wait" Malik said gently grabbing my wrist

"What" I said turning around

"Uh, can I get your number. If that's a problem I'll understand" Malik said

"Um sure" I said holding my hand out for his phone

Once he gave me his phone I put my number in saving it under Sandra💓 handing him his phone back

"Thanks. See you around—Sandra" Malik said once he looked from his phone to me

"Yeah same to you" I said rushing away with Aj holding my hand

Dentist 🦷

Once we arrived at the dentist, Aj went over to the blocks of toys while i went up to the front desk so I could sign him in

"Hello, welcome to city dentistry. How may I help you" the front desk lady said

"Uh yeah. My son has a dentist appointment today at 3:15 PM" I said writing his name on the sheet

"Alright, he'll be called back shortly so you can just wait up here with him" the front desk lady said

"Okay" I said walking away

Unknown: hey

Me: who's this

Unknown: Malik

Me: oh hey

Malik⚡️: what's up, what you doing later?

Me: I'm gonna take my son home and that's about it

Malik⚡️: oh word, you wanna go to this party with me later

Me: I don't think that's a good idea

Malik⚡️: why not, you can't get away tonight

Me: something like that

Malik⚡️: just think about it Aight

Me: okay

"Aj Kendall-Harris!" The dentist lady said

"Right here" I said getting up grabbing Aj's hand


"Where's your wife and son" Natalia said

Yes Adonis told her about Aj and his wife Sandra

"Dentist. Don't worry about her though" Adonis said kissing her

"Okay" she said smiling continuing to kiss Adonis

Aubree Watts
Berkeley, California
4:15 PM

I looked at my phone seeing that I got a text message

Pryce: can we meet up somewhere?

After looking at the text message I sent a reply

Me: for what?

Pryce: I miss you Aubree

Me: really pryce. We're not doing this again

Pryce: come on Bree, please just meet up with me

Me: I can't

After that I stopped replying to his text messages. I can't deal with him right now—I thought we understood each other enough to not keep secrets at least


I turned around realizing it was Chres

"Oh hey" I said

"You okay" Chres said

"I'm fine" I said

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