Part 12

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Summer Boissiere
Pasadena, California
2:35 PM

"Alright, so when you do that turn you stop and signal the back up dancers to come in front of you" Malak said

"Huh" I said

"Let me show you" Malak said coming behind me and showing me

I took that as my opportunity to kiss him and surprisingly he kissed me back then quickly pulled away

"Uh we should go, that shouldn't have happened. You can't tell India about this" Malak said grabbing his stuff and leaving the studio

Malak Watson
Pasadena, California
2:45 PM

(Short POV)

What did I just do? Can't believe I kissed her back. I liked it and I kinda wanna do it again to be honest

I looked at my phone seeing that India texted me asking where I was so I texted back telling her that I was at my dance studio and that I'd be over there soon

Summer Boissiere
Pasadena, California
3:10 PM

(On the phone with her bestie)

"So you kissed him or he kissed you" my best friend asked

"I kissed him but he didn't push me away he actually kissed back. That's something right" I said gathering my things in the studio

"Of course it's something girl like duh but don't bring it up at all girl for real or you gonna fuck shit up" my best friend said

"Why would I say something, India always got the good nigga's growing up of course I'm gonna keep my mouth shut" I said

"Oh okay, just making sure we on the same page" my best friend said

"I gotta go girl, India's coming to pick me up" I said

I walked outside of the studio to see India parked in front of the studio

"Thanks for picking me up" I said once I got into the car

"No problem sis, it's on the way to the kids school anyways" India said

"That's cool, have you talked to Chris lately" I asked

"No, that's not my man no more" India said pulling off

"That's not what he's telling people from what he posted yesterday on his Instagram" I said

"What this fool say" India said

"Well he posted an old photo of y'all two with the caption 'that's my baby through thick & thin' he didn't tag you but everybody clearly knew it was you" I said

"He know we not together no more so I don't know why he's acting like we are for the media— fucking joke" India said stopping the car in front of the kids school

I watched as she got out walking towards the entrance

India Westbrook
Pasadena, California
3:15 PM

Me: your a joke

Chris: what you mean?

Me: you know we not together no more so I don't know why you keep pretending like we are for the media

Chris: your still my wife India whether we broke up or not so don't be having no nigga around my kids trying to play as they dad cuz it's not happening

Me: 😂😂, your so full of shit Chris. Worry about your other kids mother. She's better than me remember

Chris: nah ain't nobody better than you— I fucked up okay I ain't mean that. I love you and the kids you gotta believe that

Aubree Watts
Berkeley, California
4:00 PM

"So what happened at the meet up, I wanna know what went down" Trinity said

"We went to Starbucks and he apologized for what happened between us I just don't think I can forgive him just yet mainly because me and Chres have something— kinda" I said

"No y'all don't, Chres ain't nothing and you said so yourself you and Pryce had something back then don't throw it away that quickly. I know if I had a man like Pryce I'd never give him up no matter how many times we fight" trinity said

"Then you date him Trin, if you like him so much then go for it. I'm happy with Chres okay even if we aren't together and Tyler likes him so that's good enough for me" I said

"Okay, whatever girl. I'm gonna head to the back get some more supplies for the displays" trinity said walking away

I'm sorry but I'm tired of everyone tryna run my life and decide who I should and shouldn't be with

Adonis Kendall-Harris
El Paso, Texas
3:00 PM

"You just couldn't listen to me could you" I said looking at Sandra's naked tied up body as she laid on the bed looking at me with duct tape on her mouth and tears running down her cheeks

"I loved you girl, I only wanted to be with you but no you wanted to leave and take my only son away from me. I LOVED YOU!" I said whipping her across her back with the belt

I looked at her walking downstairs to make her some food after I made it I put sleeping medication into the food and into the drink bringing it back upstairs

"You hungry baby I made you some food and here's some orange juice" I said pulling the duct tape from her mouth

I watched as she ate trying to determine what I should do next

"Can I talk to Aj please I haven't spoken to him in days" Sandra said

I nodded my head pulling out my phone dialing my moms number after it rung she answered and I put the call on speaker

"Hello" my mom said

"Hey momma, where my boy at" I said

"In the living room watching tv. Are you and Sandra enjoying y'all vacation" my mom asked

"Yeah momma, Sandra wanna speak to Aj though" I said

"I'll go get him" my mom said

"Don't say nothing wrong or imma hurt yo ass for real" I said

Sandra nodded her head letting me know she understood me

"Hi dad!" Aj said

"Hey son" I said

"Where's mom" Aj said

"Right here boy" I said

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