Wonder and Hope?

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  // it was quiet and dark.....the dark didn't scare you but the quiet was hard to handle so you get up.
// you slowly get up and hear your brothers growling a bit telling you to lay down but you pet their heads, you are standing you had your staff with you the whole time you remember last being at the lake and now he smells and feels warmth?
// he steps out of the cave like house and walks around, just then bunny turns the croner and see's Jack he quickly hides and stays quiet he looks to the winter spirit
// jack steps forward feeling the ground with his stick and finding brushes and flower? thats what that smell is....
// he neels down and gets a few flowers on his hand not pulling and smelling them he smiles bunny smiles back at this and than he sees his eggs going to jack
// he quickly tries to get them before it was to late, but a few where at his feet and he jumped a bit at the sudden touch but moved his head funny jerking it softly down and then kneeling down and picking one up
// bunny looked on and sighed well at least they liked him and they didn't freeze at his touch wait....I wonder why they didn't?
// Jack picked one up and lightly poked at one feeling around it and in awe of how soft the egg was and then the egg jumped up on his nose
// his eye widened and he sat there for a few then started laughing softly, bunny ears perked up at the sound last time he laughed was when baby tooth was on his nose he started to chuckle lightly at this and he moved a bit and a crack came from him moving
// Jack moved his head up quickly and covered the egg protectively he moved back a bit but tripped because of the egg he fell backwards
// bunny ran up and saw jack on the ground and had one hand pushed up on the ground to somewhat stop his fall on the eggs, they where okay
"Ahh sorry about that bugger, didn't mean to scare ya.."
// he held his paw out but forgot jack couldn't see it so he grabbed his hand and pulled him up jack made a sound at this like a yelp
"oops sorry! wait did ya hurt ya hand?"
// jack moved his head to the side not wanting to answer that
"Jack it's okay to tell me mate."
// jack moved his head back to bunny, for a few he look liked he still didn't want to say anything but then he nodded
"Here let me look at ya."
// he held his hand out and Jack moved his head to 'look' at the hand he gently grabbed for bunny's
"Don't look to bad, does this hurt?"
// he pulled a bit and Jack yelped again
"Might need to ice it and wrap it should be fine soon after."
// jack blinked as i looked up at him the egg jumped back up on his nose and he giggled and the egg went to his hand again
"Come on let's go."
// I pulled his hand the good one to the house and fixed him up
"It's not your fault ya know."
// he froze and gasped pulling his hand back
"Sandy wouldn't want you to be sad, he would want you to smile...it's Pitch's fault and we need to stop him before he hurts the children."
// jack moves his head to the floor while he was saying this and not looking up
"Come on ya bugger, will you help us?"
// he held a hand out and jack didn't look up
"Am holding my hand out Kid."
// jack holds his head up
"Pitch needs to be stopped are you with us?"
// jack finally nods and feels for a hand and bunny grabs it
"Good now let's go save Easter!"
// he yelled and they went back to the pole
// jack was still blaming himself for this but if they needed him then he can push it aside...
[.........trenger du virkelig meg?]

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