Cold and Empty

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"I told you I would be back for you Jack."
// he reached for jack then a boomang came out of nowhere and cut threw the dark sand and jack fell free and to the ground but was caught by bunny
"Ya okay snowflake?" // he asked
"Yes, Thank you's friend." // he smiled and so did bunny
"Your always standing in my way, but no matter he'll come to me when the time comes."
"Ya off ya rocker pitch! He will never join ya!"
// he yelled and pitch appeared in front of jack 
"Oh but he will, he is the reason am back after all."
// he laughed and the others looked to jack 
"What type of shit ya pulling pitch."
// bunny said
"Nothing I meant what I said and he knows it, he's just not saying anything cause he doesn't want any of you to hate him."
// he laughed and jack backed up bunny noticed this along with the others
"Jack's what doez he mean byz that?"
// north said and jack bowed his head down
"Hahahah there it is. As you can see what brought me back was jack's fear." // he said chuckling
"What do ya mean, Jack's not scared of ya!" // bunny looked to him and pitch walked up to him bunny glaring at him
"It's not his fear of me of course I know he is not scared of me. I wouldn't really say its fear to begin with."
// he laughed 
"What are you getting at pitch."
// tooth cut in she was getting angry with every word coming out his mouth
"Should I tell them? or will you?"
// he said and jack looked up and looked lost and he backed up
"Frostbite, What is he saying?"
// he asked and jack backed away more
// he yelled and shook jack and jack pushed him away eyes looking scared
"Ahh there it is the fear."
// he laughed and bunny eyes frowned at jack 
"Truth is you don't turst them yet do you? You still think that they will leave you alone again."
// he said and jack said nothing against it 
"Your not saying anything, so I'll take that as a yes."
// the others were shocked at this as jack still said nothing about it
"I would'nt blame you either, 300 years is a long time to be on your own you know. But you finally have their attention." // he threw his arms in the air
"But truth be told, you've never felt more alone." // jack gasped and his eyes widened
"You have all you could ever want, being noticed by them, people seeing you, friends, being a freaking guardian! But! you still feel lonely and not just lonely!"
// he yelled
"You don't wanna be alive anymore."
// he said darkly and the others gasped
"Jack what is he talking about." // bunny said with anger in his voice and jack stood shocked
"It's how it's said rabbit."
"Shut up I wasn't talking ta ya!"
// he yelled but pitch pushed on 
"It's true and you see it, how he's acting, spacing out and not talking when you would see him."
// he chackled 
"Why just hours before you meet up with everyone you where going to drown yourself in your lake."
// he said, the others had faces of pure horror, tooth covered her mouth north holding her, sandy in pure shock, bunny his expression was unreadable, pitch laugh at this and pushed on more
"Hahaha you don't want to live anymore." // he said
"*gasp*" // jack gasped
"You've tried everything known to man to off yourself."
// bunny gasped and looked to jack as he started shaking
"S-Stop...." // jack's head bowed down his eyes unseen by hair and a dark shadow
"But nothing works and your getting frustrated." // he laughed darkly
// jack grabbed at pitch's throat pinning him to the wall
"Hit a nerve didn't I?"
// jack hit at his stomach and pitch grunts out and soon gets out of his hold and jack attacks again swinging with the large hammer
"You don't have to feel this way Jack! I can set you free!"
// he yelled and jack upper hit him and pitch went flying
"You can fill that hole in your heart you wish to fill."
// jack stop in front of him with hestiants
"Haha hit another~"
// he pinned jack to the wall with dark sand 
"I can be your family Jack." // he said with softness and jack stopped kicking moving his head to him, his face filled with uncertainty
"He will never be your family pitch!" // bunny yelled at him
"Shut it rabbit, what did you do. You may be all buddy buddy now, but you still never see each other only every once a month and to someone like Jack who is always alone....well it can get dark very quickly after all he is a child."
// they stopped at that word, jack may act like a mature person when he speaks but when he is in his other form you can clearly see the sad and lost child he turly is deep inside
"And I know that childern need a lot of attention and you all can't give that to him."
// he laughed 
"Think about what I said Jack, I'll be waiting for you near your lake in norway for an answer."
// he smiled and left into the darkness
"Pitch get back here!" // bunny yelled
"He's gonez." // north said
"Oh my gosh Jack!" // they turned to tooth, sandy and jack she and sandy was pulling him out of the sand and jack limped down to the ground sandy caught him half way down jack had a hand on him to try to push upward
// bunny went to lift him up to help but jack pushed away everyone
// bunny called but jack pushed himself up with his staff putting his full weight against it leaning on it heavily, he moved his head to the ground slient to everyone
"What did he mean by ya tried to.....hurt yaself?"
// jack flinched and bunny saw it going up to him more but jack was not having it and backed away
"Why didn't ya tell us ya where thinking those thoughts frostbite!?"
// he grabbed jack's shoulders and shook them and jack still didn't move his head up
"Ya should have came to us! Don't ya trust us?!"
// jack grunts and pushes bunny away walking to the big double doors
"Get back here Jack!"
// bunny yelled to him jack stopped to the calling of his name after all bunny never really uses it unless he means something
"I'm not done talking to ya, Ya a real moron ta do what ya were trying to do!"
// he yelled he knew what he was saying was hurtful but he just wanted him to wake up, he didn't want jack to think of those things or do any of those things
"Don'ts you think's I know that!?"
// jack turned and yelled his face laced with anger, the others not bunny backed up a bit at his yelling since he never did it, the one thing jack never did was yell or be angry with others and was always calm and level headed
// jack's face moved down and shook his head
"....forget's it..."
// jack flew out the window and bunny ran up to it and yelled out
// he hit the frame, tooth grabbed his shoulder and he looked to her, she looked so sad and scared bunny nods
"Wez have to go after him...I don't knowz whats he'll do nexts."
// north said sorrow of what might come giving him anxiety
"He would never join pitch...but I can't *sob* when Anna said he looked like that....she meant...he wanted..he tired..*sniff* ahh *sob*"
// north rubbed her shoulders as she covered her face putting her face into north's chest crying
"Wez failed him again..."
// north said and sandy frowned nodding 
"We did...we shoud have paid more attention to 'im...jack may look happy and calm but deep 'own he is a scared child...a lonely child.."
// bunny made a hole in the ground
"But now...*nods* we have to make this right."
// he said and the others nod and bunny jumps in as the other head out in search for their Child

Jack showed feelings for once, they say that the lonelest of people smile the brightest...

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