6.) Spooky Time

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"Remind me why are we going to this abandoned house again?" You ask.
"Adventure!" Flash said.
"Yeah, this is gonna be so fun." Rhyme said sarcastically.
"What if we get murdered?" Quinn asks.
"At least it'll be a fun story to tell at your funeral." Ace said.
You all arrive at the "haunted" abandoned house at the end of a street in town. It's dark and broken down.
"Let's go gang." TK said.
"Freddie from Scooby Doo called, he wants his line back." You say playfully.
"You are legit the funniest person I know." Birdie said cracking up.
TK was the one to open the door. It opened creakily as if out of a horror movie.
"Ok, that's not fun." Kayla said.
Everybody walked in. It's a big house, but run down.
"Split up?" Robbie asks.
"Good idea." TK said.
"Um no bad idea." Rhyme said.
"Let's randomly pick groups." Ace said.
The groups ended up being Rhyme TK and Ace, You Robbie And Tim, Ellie Flash and Quinn, And Ace And Birdie.
"Where are we going to go?" Robbie asked.
"I don't know. I'm scared." You say.
"Don't worry I'll protect you." Robbie said showing off his muscles.
You giggled and Tim rolled his eyes. You all decide to go to the basement. And by you all I mean the boys because you don't want to go anywhere. The stairs you went down were creepy and the basement consisted of three rooms. A living room, a spare bedroom, and a storage room.
"Split up?" Tim said.
"I call the bedroom." Robbie said going to it.
Tim started to go to the storage room alone but you followed.
"What are you going?" He asked.
"I'm scared to be alone man." You say.
"Uh, fine." He said sighing.
You both enter the storage room and turn the light on. It is filled with a bunch of random stuff. You both look around at a bunch of random stuff. Suddenly the door slams.
You both shoot your heads up with terrified looks.
"W-was that you?" You ask.
"No." Tim said.
You walk over to the door.
"Okay Robbie this isn't funny." You say shaking the locked door handle.
"Great." Tim said running his hands through his hair.
Then a noise is heard behind you both and Tim stands in front of you protectively.
"I knew this was a bad idea." You say.
Suddenly the door swings open sending you to the ground because you were leaning on it.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Tim Asks helping you up.
"Yeah. You know, I like you a lot better when you are nice." You say to Tim.
"Thanks?" He says.
Robbie walks out of the bedroom.
"I swear stuff kept moving in there. This place is so cool." Robbie said.
You all go upstairs and meet up with everybody else.
"What now?" Rhyme asked.
"Let's explore the upstairs now." Ace said.
"Ugh, I thought you guys already did." Quinn said. You all walked upstairs and headed down the hall. Everyone just went their different ways and explored.
"That room looks scary." You say pointing at one of the empty dark bathrooms.
"Go check it out." Tim said.
"What N-" you started but he pushed you in before you could object.
You could hear the door lock as you fell on your wrist.
"Oh my god." You say lightly before passing out. Tim didn't hear you responding or anything, so he opened the door. He saw you laying on the floor holding your what might be broken wrist.
He picked you up bridal style and called out for everyone.
"Guys! We have an issue!" Tim said.
Everyone rushed over.
"I think her wrist is broken." Tim said worried.
Everybody rushed out to take you home.
"What happened?" Birdie asked.
"I don't know." Tim said ashamed to admit it was because of him.
When you got home your mom took you to the doctor.
Welp, That was not fun.

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