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• Third Person •

Lisa grumbles as she layed down at the sofa.

"I'm sore and my head hurts!" She screams, making her bestfriend come to her with a pill and a glass of water.

"Well, maybe if you didn't went for another hook up last night, you would have been in a better case right now" Rosè says.

"And you could have helped me in decorating the place, Christmas is like 8 days away" She adds, still glaring at the girl laying down in the sofa.

The two were living in an apartment but not together tho. Lisa owns a house a few walks away from Rosé's place, but the younger usually stays in. That's why she considers it as her home sometimes.

Rosè went to the kitchen and started to finish the breakfast she was preparing.

"Well, first I'm sorry I didn't help with the apartment, I promise that's the last drinking for me this month. Also, it's not my fault girls easily fall for me" Lisa says, as her she started to slowly feel better.

"Love at first sight does not exist" Rosé bitterly says.

"Whoa chill, if you're thinking about her then chill okay?" Lisa says as she quickly stands up to back hug her best friend.

Rosé recently, well not recently, but just experienced a break up. Which was her first by the way. The relationship began with love at first sight, but eversince they broke off Rosé stopped believing in love at first sight.

Well atleast, that's what she wants to believe.

"Look, as much as I got along with Jisoo unnie. She's a stupid being for leaving you" Lisa said as she turned Rosé around so they would face each other.

"But I thank her, cause now I have a chance with you" Lisa whispers to herself as she looks at her bestfriend directly in the eyes.

"W-what?" Rosé stutters.

"I said, she was a genius dumping you for Jennie. Cause damn, she's hot" Lisa siad with a smirk, Rosé just punched her in the stomach.

"You're punches are improving" Lisa says, pain could be heard while she's talking.

"But seriously tho, Love at first sight is not possible" Rosé resumes their previous topic. "Also, it takes time for someone to fall"

"I can prove you wrong with the second statement" Lisa says quickly.

"With what? You're hook ups?" Rosé teased.

Deeply Lisa was hurt, cause honestly, she didn't really hooked up with anyone last night. She just went out and drunk herself and slept at a friend's house.

She's been doing that for months and she just kept using the 'hook up' thing as an excuse so Chaeng won't worry about her.

"No! I've had pasts relationships and I made them fall for me in just a few days" Lisa says.

"So. . . What, you're gonna court some random girl just to prove a point?" Rosé says.

"No, not a random girl but. . . You." Lisa says.


"Yeah you. I mean, if I choose a random girl I can easily pay them to act, you know that I make tons of money with my job but, if it's directly you, wecan really test it and imagine, you can make me suffer in the process" Lisa explains.

"I can promise you, I will not fall for you instantly" She confidently states.

"Oh, how sure are you?" Lisa says, she knew she was getting one Rosé's nerves.

"Because, you're my bestfriend"

"That is not the point"

"But you still can't"

"I can"














"7 days and you're mine" Lisa challenges.

"Bring it on" Chaeng says.

"Good we start Tomorrow. Exactly monday" Lisa says as she kisses her bestfriend's cheek before leaving.

Once the door closed a few seconds later Rosé receives a text.

From : Limarioo

Pick you up at 8 💋

It then hit her.

"What the fuck did I just got myself into?"



Clichè but idc.


7 Days ; ChaeLisaWhere stories live. Discover now